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Terrorists in the North Caucasus Russian republic of Dagestan attacked two churches and security forces in two cities, killing at least six police and murdering one Orthodox priest. The targets struck by the terrorists were a synagogue, two churches, and a police checkpoint in the cities of Derbent and Makhachkala. A 66-year-old Orthodox priest in Derbent had his throat cut inside his church. The attacks seem to be still underway. At least six regime police officers were killed at a checkpoint, and a dozen other police have been reported wounded.


At this juncture, we don’t know who the attackers are, but as Christians and Jews were targeted in addition to Putin regime forces, it doesn’t take a lot of imagination to fill in the gap. 

Dagestan has been the scene of Islamic State-inspired insurgency and is currently the target of a Russian anti-terrorism offensive in the aftermath of the Crocus Concert Hall massacre in March 2024


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Synagogue in Derbent on fire.


Gunmen in action.

Dead gunmen.


According to Agence France-Presse, Russia’s Investigative Committee launched an investigation over “acts of terror,” AFP news agency reported.

Dagestan is a predominantly Muslim republic. It is also one of the poorest parts of Russia, and it provides a large number of recruits for the Russian army.