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Unaccompanied minor children who cross the border are at huge risk of being trafficked. Earlier in the Biden administration, the kids were often sold into slavery, with the U.S. government serving as a middleman.


“I thought I was going to help place children in loving homes. Instead, I discovered that children are being trafficked through a sophisticated network that begins with being recruited in their home country, smuggled to the U.S. border, and ends when ORR [Office of Refugee Resettlement] delivers a child to a sponsor – some sponsors are criminals and traffickers and members of Transnational Criminal Organizations,” according to HHS whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas.

As the Biden administration was assuring Congress and the American people that the 150,000 unaccompanied minor children who entered the U.S. in 2021-22 were placed with people who were “fully vetted,” the agency was simply trying to prevent what happened when the mass of humanity overwhelmed border facilities.

In fact, HHS was so busy moving these kids out of camera range that very little checking was done to ensure they were placed safely.

The Associated Press reported that HHS “also failed to provide proof it had conducted basic safety checks – like background checks or address checks – in 16% of the cases, the agency watchdog found.”

“And, for every five cases, HHS didn’t follow up to check on the children it had placed, often for months,” AP said.

Biden’s problem was one of optics. At the time, the Biden administration attempted to keep the television networks from the border to avoid them seeing the conditions that the migrant children were being held in. They beat the bushes for “sponsors” to take the kids off their hands. 


The result was gruesome. As it stands now, HHS has “lost” track of 85,000 of these children. Most are probably slaves working for food and kept in horrendous conditions. Or, they’re being trafficked for sex. 

Before being sent into slavery, the migrant kids were kept in outdoor encampments.

New York Times:

The outdoor areas lack shelter, food and sanitation, which has given way to an array of public health concerns for the most vulnerable. Unaccompanied children and young families sometimes arrive in poor health, according to aid workers and medical volunteers at the sites, suffering from traumatic injuries or chronic health conditions that require medications that have long since run out.

During the hot desert days, dehydration and heat stroke have become common problems, according to aid groups, and nighttime temperatures, wind and rain are creating conditions ripe for hypothermia. Doctors are particularly concerned about those elements for children, since many have lower body fat than adults and may be malnourished from their journeys.

The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) testified to a nightmare being lived by many of these kids.


  • The ORR director couldn’t answer questions about reports that show HHS has lost contact with more than 85,000 migrant children in the past two years.
  • Two-thirds of all UAC that leave HHS’s care work illegal full-time jobs, often in factories and in hazardous conditions.
  • Caseworkers within ORR claim that HHS regularly ignored obvious signs of labor exploitation, such as single sponsors sponsoring multiple UAC, “hot spots” in the country where many UAC sponsors are not the children’s parents, UAC with significant debts, and direct reports of trafficking.
  • “We’ve heard stories – I’ve been to the border seven or eight times – and heard the stories directly from people who are federal agents and others who’ve said it is very routine that a person was put with an older person, and then they found out that that was not even their family,” Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) said during the hearing.
  • During the hearing, ORR director admitted that only slightly more than a third of UAC end up with a parent. “In this fiscal year, I believe 37 percent of children end up with their parent.”

Since the man responsible for this unholy mess isn’t named “Trump,” this is a non-issue not worthy of media coverage.