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Despite living in a huge, deep blue, toilet city, New Yorkers are losing their patience with Democrats, and it’s largely due to Joe Biden’s wave of “diversity” crashing our border and bringing with them a tsunami of crime.


As you may have heard, an animal from Ecuador, here illegally, tied two 13-year-olds together, one boy and one girl. He threatened them with a large knife as he raped the girl.

Cops posted his picture around a nearby shelter for illegal immigrants. Local residents, both men and women (real New Yorkers, not illegals), recognized the man, waited for him at a store he frequents, and promptly beat the potato salad out of him as they waited for the cops to arrive.

FACT-O-RAMA! From the videos and pictures, it appears all of the Good Samaritans are Hispanic. They were eager to catch the rapist lurking in their neoghborhood and appear to have showed him no quarter.

Angela Sauretti, 23, threw the pig in a headlock.

“He got something that his mother should have done to him,” Suaretti told the NY Post. “I’ll put it that way.”

“As a woman, I had to really set the tone and remind him,” she continued. ‘It wasn’t a man that did this to you. It was a woman.'”

Suaretti had much more to say:

You did that to a woman, and a woman got back and did this to you. So it had him contemplating, ‘Maybe I won’t mess with the next woman.’ Because you never know. There’s nice ones and there’s ones that will really defend themselves and go all out. He said, ‘Let me explain!’ I’m like, ‘There’s nothing to explain. You’re a rapist, He said, ‘I don’t care.’ I’m like, ‘What do you mean you don’t care? You’re a rapist.’ He said, ‘I don’t care.’


Isabel Caizado, 67, beat the miscreant with a shoe. Men slugged and kicked him into submission.

During his confession, the rapist inhumanely admitted to cops that he recorded his savagery after he was no longer “nervous” about raping a 13-year-old girl.

“I was nervous at first, then got comfortable and recorded it,” the POS admitted to cops.

FACT-O-RAMA! Virginia voted Glenn Youngkin in as their governor weeks after a trans maniac raped a 14-year-old girl in a school ladies’ room. The staff decided not to punish the rapist and chose to send him to another school where he violated another young girl. The students staged a walk-out over the woke  nonsense.

A day after the citizen’s arrest in Queens, a shouting match broke out in Brooklyn as furious New Yorkers let their city councilwoman, Crystal Hudson, know they’d had it with the shelter—and feared for the safety of their kids—in their Clinton Hill neighborhood.

The shelter went up last year and currently holds roughly 3,200 single male newcomers replacements. An illegal immigrant was stabbed outside the shelter last week. Another stabbing took place near the shelter just before the meeting, but it wasn’t immediately clear if illegal immigrants were involved.

Illegal immigrant gangs, most from Venezuela, have set up shop and are robbing and raping people, selling drugs, and causing chaos.

The crime wave, which some on the left insist is a myth created by “racists and xenophobes,” is so out of hand that most illegal invader shelters now have a curfew; be in by 11:00 pm, out no sooner than 6:00 am.


New Yorkers are also tired of having members of the NYPD attacked, including this stain who shot two of New York’s Finest.

Though New York City dwellers lean left, they are not weak. Most will toss “woke” to the side to protect women from savages who can become “comfortable” enough raping a child in the middle of the day to record the atrocity.

Legendary radio talk show host Mark Simone has openly opined that the state of New York is in play on November 5. If crime—especially sex assaults—continues to rise in the Big Apple, I suspect New York City might be as well, and the Democrats in NYC aren’t doing anything to stop the illegals from their onslaught.

The communist plan to wear down Americans with a crime wave might fail after all.