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Tom Perez, the former chair of the Democratic National Committee, dismissed voters’ opinions in favor of mass deportation of illegal migrants.

The senior advisor to President Joe Biden touted the current administration’s immigration policies in an appearance on CBS News and scoffed at poll numbers showing more than half of voters want to deport illegal immigrants.

Perez applauded Biden’s sweeping order this week that cleared the pathway for citizenship for thousands of those in the country illegally.

“It’s the right thing to do, it’s the legal thing to do and it’s the smart thing to do,” he said, claiming the president employed a “balanced approach” to the border crisis.

But when confronted with the reality that “a lot of voters seem to think it’s not the smart thing to do,” Perez questioned the accuracy of the polling.

“I’d love to sit down with your polling team and show them how they’ve gotten this wrong,” Perez said, adding that he has seen very different conclusions from other polls.

A recent CBS News/YouGov poll seemed to confirm that a national mass deportation program is something that a majority of registered voters support, including demographics that generally lean in Democrats’ favor.

“Would you favor or oppose the U.S. government starting a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally?” asked the poll of registered voters conducted June 5-7, 2024.

While 38% of those surveyed were opposed to such a plan, a plurality of 62% of Americans support the idea that Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, has touted as part of his re-election campaign. Perhaps more telling is that 53 percent of Hispanics polled said they would “favor” deporting illegal immigrants while 47 percent said they would oppose such a plan.

Perez insisted that Biden’s policies are morally and legally the “right thing” to do.

‘We’re keeping families together, communities together and we’ve got a workforce shortage,’ he said.

Social media users were not on board with Perez and the narrative he was pushing.

Frieda Powers
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