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There is nothing more embarrassing than when an old person tries to be relatable to the younger generation. Taylor Lorenz seems to think she is the spokesperson for Gen Z, even though she’s probably older than most of their parents. Nonetheless, she has the tea when it comes to all things Gaza, climate change, and TikTok bans.

Lorenz went on TikTok to try and be relatable to young whippersnappers. And what she supposedly discovered may not shock you, as she once again has mastered the leftist art of saying so much, yet nothing at all.

Taylor Lorenz Explains Why Gen Z Ain’t Finna Simp for Joe Biden No Mowww.youtube.com

Lorenz published an article titled, “Gen Z influencers who supported Biden in 2020 turn against him.” The headlines are dumb enough, as there’s nothing more out of touch than an elderly person speaking on behalf of a younger generation, but we shall let her live out her dreams of staying relevant.

According to her “article”:

Across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and Twitch, anger and resentment toward Biden are boiling among Gen Z content creators who say they feel disaffected and betrayed by Biden’s positions on an array of issues, including the war in Gaza, the climate crisis and the president’s decision to support a potential TikTok ban. The rift has been exacerbated by the White House’s evolving strategy of courting friendly influencers while shutting out others who have been critical of the administration.

People are so stupid.

Obviously, Biden is only going to work with people who spread his propaganda. What government in the history of governments has ever supported “influencers” who have been critical of them? What did they expect? And what exactly are they complaining about? And WHO IS THEY?!?!?

When Biden took office in 2021, the White House sought to fortify its relationships with Gen Z content creators, working with them to promote the rollout of the coronavirus vaccine and briefing them on key issues. At one such briefing on the war in Ukraine in 2022, press secretary Jen Psaki and Matt Miller, special adviser for communications at the White House National Security Council, told influencers that Biden viewed them as the “new media” and would strive to keep them informed.

LOL. So a bunch of content creators were given the label of “new media ” by the government to spread their propaganda, as part of some Orwellian PR campaign, and now Gen Z is crying because they don’t get to spread the government’s propaganda. Did I get that right?

Annie Wu Henry, a political influencer and digital strategist who has worked on Democratic campaigns, agreed. While the White House once treated creators as independent media, she said, they now seem to be playing favorites.

Nooooooooo way. The government is playing favorites when it comes to politics?! Nope. There is no way anyone could have predicted that. I am totally baffled by this realization.

Biden’s team “is trying to say that they’re handling influencers like the press. But the thing is, the press briefing room has to have Fox News no matter what. They have to allow all of the media in,” Henry said. “When it comes to influencers, they only let in people who agree, and anyone who gives even a little bit of pushback is not welcome.”

Read that quote again. Leftists lack self-awareness; they always contradict themselves in the same breath. She claimed that the press room “has to have Fox News” but won’t let influencers inside who are critical. I don’t even have to explain that one to you and I really hope Gen Z gets a better representative for “political influencers.”

I don’t appreciate Lorenz characterizing Gen Z to be as stupid as she is, because they are not and this wasn’t even a nice try.

How long did it take for her to put this article together? It’s unclear if she even wrote it considering her recent meltdown over losing her editors, as well as the fact that she says nothing in the interview that proves she read past the headlines. Nonetheless, she is pretending to be the spokesperson for the next generation and no one should be here for that.

Anyway, the rest of the article says more of the same, which claims that Biden is making these people cry because blah blah blah.

And for the record, promoting government press releases is not journalism and if that is all they are going to do, they have no business being allowed in press briefings.