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While the White House made excuses, former President Donald Trump tore into the recent “humiliating” optics of his successor with an added dig at babysitter “Barack Hussein Obama.”

(Video Credit: Real America’s Voice)

Much like President Joe Biden has overseen the managed decline of American sovereignty, energy independence, and economic strength, corporate media and handlers were tasked with overseeing the managed decline of the incumbent. While terms like “deepfakes” and “cheapfakes” were bandied about over the octogenarian’s latest senior moments, Trump cut to the brutal reality of the imagery of the leader of the free world being led “off the stage as though he were a child.”

Speaking at a rally in Racine, Wisconsin Tuesday, the GOP leader unloaded on Biden’s appearances at the G7 and a fundraiser, “Joe Biden is humiliating our country on the world stage. He’s actually humiliating us — you saw what happened this weekend. It’s turning the United States into a total joke all over the world.”

“First he wandered off the G7 in Europe — the stage. He looked like he didn’t know where the hell he was, but he didn’t know where he was,” said Trump. “He’s blaming it now on AI.”

“He’s saying — he doesn’t know what AI is but that’s okay,” laughed the presumptive Republican nominee. “Now they’re saying the media’s manipulation — oh, he’s saying the media is manipulating now? On that one, I have to stick up for the media. He said the media is manipulating the pictures of him constantly not knowing where the hell he is. They’re doing just the opposite. They’re making him look better.”

“At the G7 in Europe, he had to be rescued by other world leaders, they had to pull him back. Then he bizarrely put his face on the pope’s forehead. What was that all about? That was weird… Did you see the pope? The pope was like, what’s happening? The pope didn’t really know what was happening. He said this is strange,” the former president described. “Then he froze during the celebration on the White House lawn. Then Barack Hussein Obama had to grab his hand and lead him off the stage as though he were a child. I have to tell you, Obama could have handled that differently. He could have done it a little bit softer.”

“‘Crooked’ Joe and his handlers are insisting he’s sharper than ever and they say the videos of ‘Crooked’ Joe shuffling around are clean fakes,” said Trump of the supposedly deceptively edited videos that White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had labeled “cheapfakes.”

“They say they’re deceptively edited. All of the mistakes that he’s made every day. He can’t go anywhere without a mistake,” argued the candidate who contrasted coverage to his own appearances that when “perfect,” get treated as disasters.

Appearing earlier in the day on “Fox & Friends,” Fox News senior White House correspondent Peter Doocy had also called out Jean-Pierre and the administration’s excuses for Biden and said, “During the briefing yesterday, though, she referred to ‘cheapfakes’ and also deepfakes while dismissing these clips. But there’s an important difference. A deepfake is if somebody is using AI or some other software to change the things that President Biden is doing or saying. A cheapfake is just if a clip is cut shorter than they want, or from an angle that they don’t like. Both of them are the same though, in that they are both being used as terms to scapegoat as this White House just does not want people to think that the things they see on social media are as they appear.”

“[T]here is something to the fact that a lot of these clips are lacking context. That doesn’t mean that the things people see are not happening,” added Doocy. “Like, you see something, these clips are not being manipulated with AI. There are, there are, but there’s always context. The thing is every video that you see on the Internet is in some way edited or clipped unless you’re rewatching an entire livestream of something played back from start to finish. Everything is cut at some point. And White House officials just want the clips to be way longer so that people can see way more context.”

Kevin Haggerty
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