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BUFFALO, NY — Following the Buffalo Bills’ announcement of support for a new National Gay Flag Football League, sports fans around America have expressed confusion as to why this is such a big deal since the Dallas Cowboys have been gay for years.

According to most football fans, the Buffalo Bills’ new gay football team is “uninspired” and “pretty much just plagiarizes the Dallas Cowboys.”

“The Cowboys literally already exist,” said Jon Castarillo, a Texan and football fanatic. “I don’t see how it gets any more gay than them, to be honest. I mean, credit to the Buffalo Bills are trying, but you’re just not going to out-gay the Cowboys. They’ve got it covered, if you know what I mean, no homo.”

Pundits have given the new league dim prospects, believing the existence of the Cowboys makes all other gay football redundant. “If you want gay football, you watch the Dallas Cowboys!” commented Patrick Baher, another Texan sports fan. “The market there is cornered, if you know what I mean, no homo.”

At publishing time, the Dallas Cowboys had denied any allegations of being gay, but said that the Buffalo Bills could “come over whenever they like so we can all scrimmage and it will be fabulous.”

Check out Hasbro’s latest update to the classic board game “Guess Who?” – now with more genders, inclusion, and fun!*
*Fun not guaranteed

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