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The notion that there is a two-tiered system of justice in America plays out every time the left comes together to protest the latest cause du jour. The “civil disobedience” on display often involves violence and destruction, but the activists perpetrating these crimes are clearly above the law, especially when compared to right-of-center protesters.

The violent protest seen last week just outside the White House at Lafayette Park is a prime example of the double standard at play in America under the Biden administration, and Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) wants some answers behind the “disturbing” lack of arrests for the vandalism, destruction, and damage to park infrastructure that took place.

Anti-Israel protesters laid siege on the park, essentially forcing law enforcement out, yet the U.S. Park Police, D.C. police, and the Secret Service reported zero arrests, even though officers were assaulted, including a National Park Service ranger.

Barrasso, whose committee oversees the Interior Department, sent a letter to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland on Thursday asking about the role politics plays in that decision.

“I am deeply troubled with last weekend’s incidents near the White House involving pro-terror, anti-Israel agitators,” Barrasso wrote. “Disturbingly, police reported no arrests following protesters’ clear acts of violence and vandalism, leaving many questions unanswered about the adequacy of the response to this incident. I question whether political sympathy with the agitators influenced your department’s response to these acts of violence and vandalism.”

“It is imperative that your department’s actions are guided by the principles of law and order, rather than political considerations,” the senator said. “The Department of the Interior must do everything within its authority to ensure that these offenders are brought to justice. The American people must have confidence that the Department will apply the law, regardless of the views of the lawbreakers.

On that note, the United States Park Police Fraternal Order of Police released footage from the protest the following day and acknowledged that officers were assaulted, saying there were just 71 officers available to handle a crowd of up to 9,000, which prevented them from making arrests — the lack of officers potentially being a politically-driven factor.

The lack of arrests at extreme left-wing protests is a common theme across America. On the occasions when arrests are made, offenders are frequently processed and quickly released — in many cases, local prosecutors drop charges, citing First Amendment rights.

Rights that more conservative Americans may or may not be afforded. Look no further than the case involving Paula “Paulette” Harlow, who was sentenced to two years in prison at the age of 75 for a 2020 pro-life demonstration she participated in that blocked access to an abortion clinic.

Tom Tillison
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