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Jon Stewart was greatly displeased on Monday that “right-wing mother[bleeper]ers” have dared to criticize blue city crime rates and especially crimes committed with guns because, in his world, gun crime is Republicans’ fault.

After playing a montage of various former President Donald Trump and others lamenting such crimes, Stewart decried, “Now all of this, by the way, is not to say that gun crime does not exist. Of course it does! And some cities are worse than others. But here’s the thing, and I say this with all due respect: the balls of these right-wing mother[bleep]ers!”

Stewart tried to blame Republicans for the problem they seek to blame Democrats for, “Talking about how there’s too much gun crime and chaos in our Democratic cities when Republicans are the ones who’ve enabled the flood of illegal weaponry into our cities in the first place. That’s right. So, don’t get your little panties in a bunch. Here is something you want to know: 93 percent of the illegal guns used in crimes in New York City aren’t from here! They, like theater majors, have come here to make a name for themselves. The guns come from states like Florida and Georgia and South Carolina, where the gun laws are lax. And trust me, Florida’s not sending us their best guns.”

It’s interesting that Stewart mentioned New York City because this rant was part of a larger diatribe against conservative attacks on crime and Democrat-controlled cities more generally. Stewart pointed to reports showing the crime rate has dropped and claimed conservatives have gone from “facts don’t care about your feelings” to their feelings not caring about facts. However, a drop from a very high number to a slightly less high number should not be counted as a win, but even more problematic for Stewart is that New York City (and Los Angeles, Chicago, and 37 percent of police departments) did not submit crime statistics to the FBI last year, down significantly from 2019.

As for Stewart, he continued by trying to satirize Trump’s immigration stance, “They’re bringing guns for drugs and crime and rapists, and some I assume, are good guns. And try as we might to put up some border controls to stem this invasion, this flood of literally undocumented weapons, Republicans fight every attempt to bring some kind of order. And even pass laws to increase the chaos! Look at all the laws and the things that they have done!”

As Stewart disappeared behind a screen of headlines, he recalled, “In 2005, they passed a law that effectively protects gun dealers and the gun manufacturers from being held liable for where their guns end up.”

Yes, and car companies are not responsible for a licensed driver’s reckless driving. Nevertheless, Stewart continued, “They also try and make sure that terrorists and felons could still get guns.”

That bill ran into due process concerns and did not automatically prohibit people on the no fly list from purchasing firearms.

Stewart also decried, “And just recently, they made sure that they can turn those guns into machine guns with bump stocks! They make it impossible to study the effects of guns! They make it impossible to track the illegal guns! They fight [bleep] everything!”

That doesn’t explain why the crime was committed and why the city failed to prevent it.

Here is a transcript for the June 17 show:

Comedy Central The Daily Show


11:12 PM ET

JON STEWART: Now all of this, by the way, is not to say that gun crime does not exist. Of course it does! And some cities are worse than others. But here’s the thing, and I say this with all due respect: the balls of these right-wing mother[bleep]ers! 

Talking about how there’s too much gun crime and chaos in our Democratic cities when Republicans are the ones who’ve enabled the flood of illegal weaponry into our cities in the first place. That’s right. So, don’t get your little panties in a bunch. Here is something you want to know: 93 percent of the illegal guns used in crimes in New York City aren’t from here! They, like theater majors, have come here to make a name for themselves. The guns come from states like Florida and Georgia and South Carolina, where the gun laws are lax. And trust me, Florida’s not sending us their best guns.

They’re bringing guns for drugs and crime and rapists, and some I assume, are good guns. And try as we might to put up some border controls to stem this invasion, this flood of literally undocumented weapons, Republicans fight every attempt to bring some kind of order. And even pass laws to increase the chaos! Look at all the laws and the things that they have done! 

In 2005, they passed a law that effectively protects gun dealers and the gun manufacturers from being held liable for where their guns end up. They also try and make sure that terrorists and felons could still get guns. And just recently, they made sure that they can turn those guns into machine guns with bump stocks! They make it impossible to study the effects of guns! They make it impossible to track the illegal guns! They fight [bleep] everything!