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Joe is getting worse — and so is the far-left spin…

During Monday night’s HannityFox News host Sean Hannity reviewed the latest evidence that President Joe Biden is in a state of mental decline and reacted to the latest White House spin.

“There’s a glaring problem that even Biden’s biggest apologists can no longer ignore: the President of the United States is experiencing a serious mental decline,” Hannity said.

“Every day it gets worse; you can see it with your own eyes.”

“Enter a new word from the leftist’s media mob, courtesy of the Biden White House: ‘cheap fake videos.’ If you dare to show mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, fumbling, shuffling, and dazed-and-confused Joe — it’s simply not true what your eyes are showing you.”

Watch Hannity’s analysis above.

On Monday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about recent viral videos of President Biden looking confused or slow to react; she says they’re all “cheap fakes.”

“Instead of Republicans focusing on the President’s performance in office and what he’s been able to accomplish … they focus on these ‘cheap fakes,’” KJP said.

KJP also addressed the Juneteenth video in which Biden is incredibly still while everyone around him is dancing; “that’s not a health issue,” KJP said.

KJP chalks up the fake videos to “right-wing critics” of the President.