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One thing Democrats always had going for them was the reliable Black vote. Like, 90% reliable. When you’re as unmitigated as a disaster as Joe Biden, having those same voters flock to Donald Trump in droves helps drive home the “unmitigated’ part of the disaster. Yes, the same Donald Trump who Democrats had found guilty of thirty-four bookkeeping errors, and who they spent the last four years claiming was RAAAAAAACIST. That Donald Trump.

If the polling holds, Trump is looking to make HISTORIC gains with Black voters compared to any other Republican candidate. As it turns out, showing up in places that no other GOP presidential candidate bothered to show up in is effective in getting them to support you. Who knew?

CNN polling guru Harry Eten is so shocked by these developments that he’s SPEECHLESS.

Well, not totally speechless…

Two things Harry said stood out.

I keep looking for signs that this is going to go back to normal and I don’t see it yet in the polling of anything right now.

This is important because individual polls can be outliers. You have to look at the trendlines. And when you are careening towards such a “historic performance” that has Biden dropping 16-points with Black voters while TRUMP picks up 14-points, you expect things to bounce back. Not only has it NOT bounced back, but it keeps trending towards Trump.

Trump’s not going to win the Black vote. Peeling away ten percent, let alone SIXTEEN, from Biden, still puts him in landslide territory.

Look at Black voters under the age of 50… Joe Biden was up by 80-points among this group back at this point in 2020. It’s now just, get this, 37-points.

Biden dropped with Black voters under 50 by FORTY-THREE F*CKING POINTS. More importantly than making inroads with Black voters as a whole, Trump is making inroads with YOUNGER voters. If he can hold younger voters, that means a potential generational shift for elections to come.

The question is what Team Trump and the RNC are doing about this. We underperform MUH POLLS year after year because while Dems are focused on collecting votes, we’re more focused on being BASED on the internet. Are victory offices in urban areas being established? Are voters being identified? Are voters being registered?

Trump has an extra $141 million to play with thanks to Biden’s lawfare backlash. Let’s see some of it invested in turning out the vote in these new communities.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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