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With polling showing that former President Trump’s support among black voters has more than doubled since 2020, the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee traveled to Detroit over the weekend to court additional support from the demographic — he lost Michigan by just 3 points in 2020.

The visit prompted a pastor to thank Trump for coming and participating in a community roundtable event at the 180 Church, stressing that President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama “never came to the hood.”

For his part, Trump reminded those in attendance of Biden’s authorship of the 1994 crime bill, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. Signed into law by former President Bill Clinton, the law remains a sore point with the black community because of the resulting mass incarceration that disproportionately affected them.

“Look, the crime is most rampant right here and in African American communities,” Trump told attendees at the predominantly black church, according to Fox News. “More people see me, and they say, ‘Sir, we want protection. We want police to protect us. We don’t want to get robbed and mugged and beat up or killed because we want to walk across the street to buy a loaf of bread.’”

“Biden wrote the devastating 1994 crime bill, talking about ‘super-predators.’ That was Biden. You know, he walks around now talking about the Black vote. He’s the king of the ‘super predators,’” he added.

As Fox News noted, it was Hillary Clinton who used the phrase “super-predators,” admitting later that she “shouldn’t have used those words.” Biden used the term “predators,” though, as he championed his bill.

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Biden had a long history of authoring legislation viewed at the time as tough on crime but now seen as controversial and contributing to the spike in America’s incarceration rates.

As the consumption of crack cocaine spiraled in the 1980s, for example, Biden co-sponsored another bill that soon became controversial, the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986. That legislation, which was signed into law by President Reagan, established harsher sentencing penalties for possession of crack cocaine than the drug’s powder form. Crack cocaine and cocaine have a similar chemical makeup, but Black Americans disproportionately used crack cocaine compared to their White counterparts, leading to an outcry that the bill unfairly targeted Black Americans.

The president now calls these efforts a “mistake,” claiming that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

The Biden-Harris campaign was quick to fire off a response to Trump’s visit, essentially calling the Republican a racist.

“Donald Trump thinks the fact that he has ‘many black friends’ excuses an entire lifetime of denigrating and disrespecting black Americans, but black voters know better — and Trump’s eleventh hour attempt at black ‘outreach’ isn’t fooling anyone,” Biden-Harris 2024 Director of Black Media Jasmine Harris said in a press release.

“Black voters haven’t forgotten that this man entered public life calling for the death penalty for the innocent Central Park 5 and entered political life spreading racist conspiracy theories about Barack Obama. We haven’t forgotten that black unemployment and uninsured rates skyrocketed when Trump was in the White House. And we sure haven’t forgotten Trump repeatedly cozying up to white supremacists and demonizing black communities to his political benefit — because that’s exactly what he’ll do if he wins a second term. black voters sent Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House in 2020, and they’re ready to make Donald Trump a two-time loser in 2024.”

The remark about black unemployment skyrocketing is a disingenuous take on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tom Tillison
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