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At a recent pre-Juneteenth event, Joe Biden appeared to freeze during a music performance in which the crowd around him was dancing, prompting huge amounts of criticism. 

For the first fifteen seconds of the video, he is awkwardly smiling at the stage and not moving at all, as if he were a waxwork sculpted to look like a senile old man mesmerized by the pretty lights and sounds.  Then suddenly, the smile fades as Biden begins glancing to his left, appearing confused and concerned.  Standing to his left was Philonise Floyd, brother to the late SJW martyr George Floyd, who seems to notice Biden blankly staring into the distance, so he wipes his brow, gingerly places his hand over Biden’s right shoulder to capture his attention, and speaks directly to him. 

After a moment of speaking, Floyd appears to lift his left hand and gently shakes his fist as if instructing Biden to give him a fist bump.  Biden puts a hand to his mouth and utters a word before slowly collapsing his fingers into a fist in front of his chest, which Floyd strikes softly. 

Not once did Biden turn to look at Floyd as he was speaking to him, and he didn’t move closer in an effort to hear him though the noise. 

I’ve seen some suggestions that Biden is just uncomfortable dancing, and that’s the reason for this sad display.  But if you’ve ever been close with anyone suffering ailments of the brain, you likely know better about what that moment was.

Touch is vital in communication with impaired people.  It’s “the very first sense we acquire,” says the Women’s Brain Health Initiative, and when dealing with someone suffering from dementia, “touch may be the only way of reciprocal communication.” 

I learned this early in my life, though for perhaps a slightly different reason.  As a child, I was mostly confused by what I saw when my Uncle Bill sank into the deeper throes of Huntington’s disease.  I remember him watching the San Antonio Spurs on TV in his recliner, and when I went to speak with him, I would see the uncomfortable physical tics in his face and body, and though he generally wouldn’t look at me, he would extend his hand to give me a low-five.  Sometimes, he’d gently clasp my hand.

Unfortunately, I’ve had several family members suffering the ravages of that terrible disease, and still do.  What I know now is that Uncle Bill probably understood me when I spoke to him, and he wanted to communicate with me.  The disease afflicting his brain prevented him from doing that verbally or coherently, so he communicated with me in the only way that could be reciprocal — he offered to give me five and assured the connection sometimes by clasping my hand.

What happened at the Juneteenth event between George Floyd’s brother and Joe Biden is the reverse of that dynamic.  Floyd knew that Biden was agitated and confused, so he touched his shoulder to comfort him while asking for reciprocal communication in the form of a fist bump, because while Biden could make a fist, he was probably unable to communicate with him otherwise.    

It can sometimes be lost when we speak of the Biden “glitches” that these are all-too-obviously signs of advancing dementia, and his family and the media continuing to insist that it be on display for the whole world to see is not just detrimental to the United States, but it’s utterly inhumane.

The latest is his wandering off at the G7 summit in Italy.  As several world leaders stood below, a parachuter with a large “G7 Italia 2024” flag descended to their location.  While the others were cheering, Biden gawked at the fluttering parachute and seemed to reach upward as if he meant to wrangle it.  He then looked leftward, disinterested in what the others were applauding, and began to wander several feet away from the group.  Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s new Prime Minister, had to move toward him, grab his right arm, and call him over for a photo.  As the others struck confident poses, Biden very slowly put on his trademark aviators and stood there looking exactly like what he is — a senile old puppet who must be led around by handlers and who is marvelously out-of-place among those powerful world officials.  

It’s difficult to muster sympathy for Biden, even now.  As a friend of mine texted me after seeing the video just described, “If he wasn’t such a piece of sh** before he got senile, I’d almost feel sorry for him.”

This is the flip side of his dementia — as Democrats and the media gaslight the public with obviously ridiculous assurances that he’s sharper than ever, and while we conservatives begin feeling reluctant pangs of sympathy for his obvious decay, we seem to have all forgotten what a piece of sh** Joe Biden really was in his political life.

He left the 1988 presidential election in disgrace for plagiarizing a British politician’s speech.  The modern left may be trying to downplay the severity of plagiarism to protect several diversity-hire leaders at prominent universities, but back then, it was generally considered a capital intellectual crime and having probably committed it was damning when it comes to one’s moral fiber and integrity. 

Biden then went on to smear Justice Clarence Thomas in the Anita Hill hearings, which amounted to, as Thomas said, a “high tech lynching for uppity blacks who, in any way, deign to think for themselves.” 

He also lied about his law school achievements, and his propensity to commit embarrassing gaffes had become the stuff of legend long before he ran for president in 2020, prompting Barack Obama to observe that people should never underestimate Joe’s “ability to f*** things up.”

Joe Biden’s long career had already made him well-known to be among the most prodigious liars in a town that is famous for incredible liars.  At the very time that Donald Trump was being impeached for supposedly threatening to withhold aid to Ukraine for political purposes, videos were circulating (albeit on social media platforms that were throttling dissemination) showing Joe Biden threatening to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine if the prosecutor investigating Burisma, the corrupt Ukrainian company which had paid his son Hunter millions of dollars, wasn’t immediately fired and replaced.

Honestly, I firmly believe that there are few things that could ensure a Trump reelection than Biden continuing to stumble, bumble, and tumble across the campaign trail in 2024.  But in seeing how truly pitiful his physical and mental condition is, as we’ve seen in recent weeks, one can’t help wishing that someone cared about him enough to put a stop to the personal and national humiliation that is ongoing, and just let Biden go home to be with family that loves him, and to watch games on his recliner for his remaining days.  

Of course, as I’ve predicted before, something tells me we won’t be watching this embarrassing display for much longer, as it appears ever more certain that Biden will be replaced by the time that the Democratic National Convention rolls around in August.

Image: Screen shot from Fox News video, via YouTube