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Just ten days until the first debate…

A recent ad buy from the Biden campaign blasts former President Donald Trump as a “criminal” and says the election is all about character. Team Trump has hit back, arguing Americans can see what’s happening.

“This election is between a convicted criminal who is only out for himself and a president who is fighting for your family,” the ad says, adding that Biden has been focusing on “lowering health care costs and making big corporations pay their fair share.”

“Trump approaches the first debate as a convicted felon who continues to prove that he will do anything and harm anyone if it means more power and vengeance for Donald Trump,” Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler said. “That’s why he was convicted, that’s why he encouraged a violent mob to storm the Capitol on January 6, and it’s why his entire campaign is an exercise in revenge and retribution; because that man is blind to the people a president should be serving and will do absolutely anything for his own personal gain and for his own power.”

Tyler adds: “Character matters, and the President of the United States should be someone who understands that the highest office in the land is about you and your family – not a vehicle to enrich yourself.”

“That is the ethos Joe Biden puts into the job every day: to fight for safer communities, for the middle class, and to ensure that corporations are paying their fair share. It’s a stark contrast, and it’s one that matters deeply to the American people,” he said. “And it’s why we will make sure that every single day we are reminding voters about how Joe Biden is fighting for them, while Donald Trump runs a campaign focused on one man and one man only: himself.”

The Trump campaign says the new ad “once again proves the sham trial was always meant to be election interference, but Americans see through it.”

“Despite Biden’s failing campaign spending nearly $70 million on media buys, President Trump continues to crush Joe Biden in the polls, leading in every key battleground state and winning independents by double digits,” Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt said. “Crooked Joe Biden is down 20 points with Black voters in Pennsylvania and just needed to be led offstage by Obama in a room full of Hollywood elites. The contrast between President Trump’s strength and success versus Crooked Joe Biden’s weakness, failures, and dishonesty will be made clear on the debate stage next week.”

More over at Fox News: