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The left relies on fear-mongering and identity politics as one of the ways they stay in power. They try to scare anyone they can throw a label on to make them believe they are personally under attack by the other side. They can’t just label people as “human” and be done with it, they must throw them into a box so they can play their victim game.

Oh, you’re fat? Victim. You’re a woman? Victim. Immigrant? Victim. Fast food employee? VICTIM.

There are quite a few who fall for this, namely naive voters.

You only have to have the least bit of common sense to know all of this is a load of crap, especially considering this is a country founded on the idea that people are born with rights. But human rights are not politically advantageous to the left like trans rights are. Nonetheless, not everyone who can fit into one of the left’s groups is falling for this.

Fitness star Jillian Michaels sounded off on California’s “woke victimology poker” even though she can play that game all day if she wanted.

According to Mediaite

“California got too crazy for me,” Michaels told Sage Steele on Wednesday on The Sage Steele Show.

“I grew up here. I’m a woman. I’m a gay woman. My mom’s a Jew. My dad’s an Arab. I have a Black kid. And believe it or not, my son is half Latin, even though he doesn’t look like it. I hold a million cards in your game of woke victimology poker. And when I leave California, maybe you’ve lost your fucking mind. Just maybe! ” she said. “When you have me running from home, maybe it’s gone way too far.”

Michaels pointed to a number of recent policies in California, arguing that plenty is being decriminalized, but the state is not keeping up with the right regulations.

When progressives say “decriminalize” they literally mean legalize lawlessness. There is a direct correlation between liberals decriminalizing things and a place turning into a third-world country. It happens every time.

“Some of these laws that are passing here are absolutely fucking mind boggling. In relation to crime, protecting our kids, like, we’re decriminalizing everything, which arguably I would probably be okay with but we’re not regulating any of it,” she said. “So it’s like, okay, you’re gonna decriminalize sex work but only so women can loiter on the streets, not to keep them safe, not to have them pay taxes, not to make them, you know, regularly check for STDs, not to take away the pimps out of the equation.”

This is a very fair point. Even if we should decriminalize prostitution, we shouldn’t but even if we should, the left promised it was to protect women, not so that they can loiter and turn it into a street market. They promised it would protect them from pimps when in reality it helps them and human traffickers to operate without the fear of persecution. The left does not help “victims” they create them.

She also brought up the trans stuff, and how she would allow her child to socially transition, but the puberty blockers, and all that have gone way too far.

“The fact that a 12-year-old child can be put on off-label cancer drugs to irreparably change their body. If my son came to me and said, ‘Mom’ — or my daughter — ‘I think I’m trans,’” she said. “I’d say okay, you know, like, you want to dress this way. You want me to call you whatever the heck you want, dress, fine. Explore it. I love you. I’m cool, do you as long as we’re safe, but we’re not changing your body until it’s fully developed. I’m sorry. Conversation’s over. Can’t get a fucking tattoo!”

I still think it’s evil to socially transition a confused kid but at least she draws the line somewhere. The problem with the modern-day left is that they don’t have standards, they constantly change the goalpost and move further and further to the left.

Michaels is not a conservative, but what she is saying wouldn’t have been controversial 10 years ago. That’s how fast and how extreme these people have gotten and it’s horrifying to imagine what the left will advocate for in another 10 years.

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