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Nejwa Ali, the DHS official in charge of vetting asylum seekers who want to come to the United States, was exposed as a former PLO spokesperson and virulent antisemite last October in a Daily Wire exclusive.


“F*** Israel and any Jew that supports Israel,” she wrote on her Instagram account shortly after the Hamas attack on October 7.

“Palestine will be free one day. F*** APARTHEID Israel and any Israeli that supports that bulls***. F*** you, may Allah forgive you. and spare us the crocodile tears, I sure as hell give zero f***s,” she wrote in another post on Instagram.

Oh, she’s a sweetheart, all right.

When the Daily Wire contacted her to ask whether she had told the DHS about her PLO ties before she was hired, she really turned on the charm.

“That’s none of your f***ing business. Mind your business before I call the police. If I were you I’d respectfully hang up the phone right now,” she was quoted as saying.

Ali was given “administrative leave” with pay last October. Now, Ali is back in the news because her boss, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, is refusing to explain his department’s refusal to respond to a Freedom of Infomation Act (FOIA) request for documents on Ali’s hiring. It’s been 200 days since the request was filed, so now, DHS is facing a lawsuit to release the information on Ali.

Daily Wire:

DHS said it put her on leave after that story, but six months later, she was still being paid, gloating online about her unpaid leave and seeming to suggest that Mayorkas was protecting her. On social media, when somebody commented on her page, “When you do everything you can to get fired but the boss says NO,” she responded, “hilarious, seriously.

The department violated the Freedom of Information Act by refusing to provide documents about Ali in response to a November request, according to a new lawsuit filed by the Center to Advance Security in America (CASA) against DHS.

The FOIA sought “records related to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Adjudication Officer Nejwa Ali and a potential conflict of interest in administering her duties,” exploring whether she ushered in dangerous Palestinians or denied entry to Israelis.


The lawsuit, filed May 31 by the Center to Advance Security in America (CASA), asks the court to “Order Defendant to produce, within ten days of the Court’s order, or by other such date as the Court deems appropriate, any and all non-exempt records responsive to CASA’s FOIA request and an index justifying the withholding of all or part of any responsive records withheld under claim of exemption” and “Award CASA the costs of this proceeding.”

The suit also demands answers on what kind of vetting DHS performed on Ali before she was hired. They either did no vetting of the terrorist mouthpiece or knowingly hired a virulent antisemite and employee of a terrorist organization.

It truly is beyond belief.

James Fitzpatrick, CASA’s director, told the Daily Wire that CASA submitted this FOIA request right after hearing of Nejwa Ali’s work for the Palestinian delegation to the U.S.

“We are particularly concerned with transparency on communications regarding Ali’s security screening. It is troubling that someone with Ali’s resume could be given authority to facilitate asylum seekers to the United States. The American people need to know what DHS knew about Ali’s prior work and statements and when they knew it,” he said.

Did she wave Palestinian terrorists into the U.S.? Did she deny Israelis asylum requests? 


The Daily Wire says that “Ali has used her paid leave, courtesy of taxpayers, to join radical protests at the Israeli embassy during work hours and doxx members of the military.”

Another loyal employee of Joe Biden’s administration.