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The fact that Alvin Bragg’s Soviet show trial in Manhattan didn’t hurt former President Donald Trump like it was supposed to has been so confirmed by polling data that the Democrats are openly acknowledging it. It takes a lot to shake them out of their default state of denial, and I am always suspicious when they’re getting something even a little bit right. 


The Democrats’ flying monkeys in the mainstream media have been dutifully verdictsplaining to their low-info base these past couple of weeks. They thought that all they had to do was repeat “convicted felon” on a loop and the verdict would eventually have the effect that they wanted it to. 

It was apparent after about one-and-a-half news cycles that that wasn’t going to work. 

When the propaganda minions of the Left do get close to the truth, they then explain it away with more fairy tales and lying. The consensus when caterwauling about the response to the verdict in Trump’s sham trial has been to portray Republicans as so depraved that they don’t care what Trump does. A key ingredient to the formula for these screeds is to repeat the number of counts in the verdict, because they think that makes their case. 

There are two things that the biased automatons don’t grasp: a huge portion of the electorate knows that the charges were bogus and Joe Biden is so awful it probably wouldn’t have mattered even if the Manhattan circus had been legit. 

The focus of this week’s column is a New York Times Opinion guest essay written by a historian named Brenda Wineapple. Ms. Wineapple tiptoes outside the box with a new stunning hot take: it was Trump who really wanted the trial to be a bigger deal. 

No, really. 

The New York Times

In its way, that must have annoyed Mr. Trump: How insulting that no one would care. There was media coverage but no frenzy, no rallies around the world in protest when he was convicted. But to win in the court of public opinion, Mr. Trump must now transform a trial in a run-down Manhattan courtroom from a shoulder shrug into an unforgettable event, with a story powerful enough to keep his supporters energized, if not outraged, and to drum up sympathy from the undecideds.


While perusing the Opinion sections of the Times and The Washington Post during the course of my work week I am often overwhelmed by the urge to pat these writers on the head and say, “Well, aren’t you just adorable?” if I were ever in the same room. 

Wineapple may be a guest contributor, but she fits right in with the Coastal Media Bubble™ regulars. The fact that she believes that Trump has to craft a narrative about the trial to “keep his supporters energized, if not outraged,” is straight-up bonkers and makes it obvious that she hasn’t been near a Republican since one Thanksgiving dinner in high school.

No, Toots, it’s you and your leftist ilk who are keeping the energy and the outrage humming along among Republicans, even those who aren’t ultra-MAGA hardcore types. The blatant election interference being carried out by corrupt judges and prosecutors is doing the trick just fine. 

Weinapple then blathers on for what feels like an eternity and a half, recalling most of the famous and infamous trials of the 20th century. Her point is that Trump’s trial paled in comparison as far as notoriety goes. She starts with the Scopes “monkey” trial in 1925, which is what her next book is about. By the time she got to Bruno Hauptman and the Lindbergh baby, I felt that she was probably concussed. 

The false premise from which Weinapple so lengthily proceeds naturally leads to a ridiculous conclusion:

Without this kind of story to tell, backed with an acknowledgment of where we are, our limits and possibilities, and our commitment to democratic institutions and the common good, we’ll be left with a Donald Trump trying to turn his trial into a trial of the century, featuring himself as its beleaguered and ever-valiant hero.

Stories matter.


OK honey, here’s some soup and Melba toast, you come rest on the porch for a while. 

Yes, stories really matter to the Left. It’s the only way that they can continue to create their unreal reality. 

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