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Even Fake Jake has questions…

CNN’s Jake Tapper spoke with Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) on Wednesday about the unusual circumstances surrounding the Biden DOJ’s refusal to hand over the audio recordings of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview with the President.

“Three of the last five attorneys general have been found in contempt of Congress,” Tapper said. “Eric Holder didn’t turn over information relating to the ‘Fast and Furious’ mishap, that sting operation. Attorney General Bill Barr was held in contempt of Congress by a Democratic Congress for not turning over information, the unredacted Mueller report, and now Attorney General Merrick Garland for not turning over the audio.”

“A citizen who doesn’t have a dog in the fight might say, ‘it seems to me as though the legislative branch is trying to do oversight of the executive branch and the executive branch keeps giving … whoever’s in charge of Congress, the executive branch consistently gives the finger to the House. I assume you don‘t see it that way, but there is a consistency in these three contempt of Congress votes,” Tapper added.

Goldman attempted to paint the circumstances as very different.

“There was no basis for Bill Barr to withhold the unredacted report from Congress. He could identify none if it were an issue of classified or secret information,” Goldman added before Tapper cut him off, saying, “But there’s really no basis for the Justice Department to not give the audio recordings to Congress either.”

“The basis is that it would have a very chilling impact on any future cooperation of witnesses who would know they would be recorded and would know that it potentially could be disclosed,” Goldman said. “And who knows what’s in a specific recording? We know what the substance is because we have the transcript and so there are legitimate investigative reasons why the Department of Justice would not want to turn over and the Congress has to have a legitimate reason to request this material. There is no legitimate reason that anyone has identified on the Republican side why they need the audio recording in addition to the transcript.”

Watch the clip below:

Attorney General Merrick Garland was held in contempt of Congress on Wednesday after a vote along party lines. The AG has ignored Oversight Committee subpoenas and has refused to hand over the audio recordings of Robert Hur’s interview with President Biden.