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Wednesday marked this year’s congressional baseball game, where Republicans and Democrats play a ball game against each other for charity. Two separate protests broke out before and during the game an attempt to get the game shut down.  Uniquely however, fans on both sides erupted in a “USA” chant.

The first protest was a pro-Palestine protest where individuals, during the colors presentation before the game, unfurled flags and started screaming through their N-95s, yelling “Free Palestine!” as they were escorted out by Capitol Police. 

Members of the crowd laughed and booed at the protestors as they were leaving and began the first round of the “USA” chants. 

The next protest was in regard to the climate – as in, the weather. 

The protestors, from the self-described “youth-led group” Climate Defiance, started their evening outside of the game. They were a small crew huddled up by the game entrance with signs insisting that the game, which was “Chevron-sponsored,” was “unconscionable.”

After their scene from outside the stadium, those social justice warriors began their descent onto the field. Obviously they only came to virtue-signal, since they didn’t even make it through the second inning of the game.

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Eight of them jumped onto the field wearing shirts that said “END FOSSIL FUELS.” Capitol Police tackled them almost immediately.

Climate Defiance posted a video of the incident on X and noted, “Eight of us have been arrested for shutting down the Congressional Baseball Game. They are behind bars right now. Make no mistake: It’s the Members of Congress who should be locked up.”

It was epic, but what was even more hilarious was when the rest of the crowd began a massive “USA” chant – again.

Video footage posted by numerous attendees doesn’t fully encapsulate the volume of the chants, and you could feel the energy and patriotism from every bit of the stadium.

Authorities were warned that there would likely be protestors at the game. 

“Before the charity game, we were aware that some people planned to possibly protest. This was discussed during our planning meetings and put in our comprehensive action plan to ensure we had plenty of resources to swiftly respond,” Capitol Police said in a statement.

After the game, police reported that “eight people are being charged with federal charges – Interference with a Member of the U.S. Capitol Police.”

While I’m all for peaceful protests, this was not peaceful, nor was it beneficial or productive. But hey, it brought both sides together to shout and celebrate our great nation, so I guess we can’t count it as a complete loss.


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