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You’ve gotta be a sheltered Ivy League frat boy whose spent 50 years in politics to know this little about guns.

Ladies and gents, “JUST SHOOT ‘EM IN THE KNEE” Biden.

(At least he said “magazine” and not “clip”?)

You’ve gotta love that the guy is out here blasting lawful gun owners when his son was found guilty of gun charges today!!

You really can’t make it up. Here’s the full clip:

My response:

Biden then swerved into his usual stupid line about using the US military against citizens.

Joe, someone needs to tell you how dumb you sound. I like to write out this list every time you repeat this brain-dead line so more and more people understand just how absolutely moronic it is:

  • One, threatening your countrymen is a bad look.

  • Two, most F-15 pilots are old or dead, since the military phased them out a long time ago. This line was outdated in 2005.

  • Three, most pilots flying things newer than the 1980s wouldn’t be on your side if you sent them to bomb Americans.

  • Four, insurgencies the world over prove how big, bloated militaries with insanely complicated machinery can be immensely vulnerable. It’s hard to keep F-35s in the air with our current supply lines: Now imagine what a bunch of good ol’ boys with rifles would do after you blow up their families.

  • And finally, pilots who would comply have families in the very communities they would bomb.

So good luck with being the dumbest man alive when it comes to firearms, tactics, and decency, Mr. President!

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