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Silence is violence, but words are also violence. And the truth hurts, which is why the Canadian Cancer Society has apologized for using the word “cervix” instead of “front hole” because of course, the left turned this into a thing.

According to the Toronto Sun:

The Canadian Cancer Society is apologizing for using the term “cervix” on a web page for transgender and non-binary people assigned female at birth.

On the page dedicated to cervical cancer screenings for members of the LGBTQ+ community, the charitable organization explains in a disclaimer they “recognize that many trans men and non-binary people may have mixed feelings about or feel distanced from words like ‘cervix.’”

The charity acknowledged in a section titled “Words Matter” that some members of the community may prefer to use other terms such as “front hole.”

Words do matter, which is exactly why it’s infuriating that the left has hijacked language to succeed in their rainbow revolution.

“We recognize the limitations of the words we’ve used while also acknowledging the need for simplicity,” the Canadian Cancer Society wrote. “Another reason we use words like ‘cervix’ is to normalize the reality that men can have these body parts too.”

I don’t think mislabeling medical terminology will do much for the phobia of trans people regarding the fact that the cervixes exist. At best, this is a personal problem. However, I have yet to hear anyone in the entire world who is offended by that word and I just hear more gobbledygook by a bunch of pandering leftists.

Are sex and gender two different things or not? If it is, then STFU. If it’s not, then STFU. But these people don’t get it, they don’t even understand what they are saying. That’s why claim sex and gender are distinct, yet go and make up phrases like this.

Additionally, it’s incredibly misogynistic, as the organization is implying they hate women so much that they can’t even use the correct terminology.

These are also the same people who demand we “follow science.” To say they have some nerve would be an understatement, as the left is the most anti-science group in existence. They make flat earthers look good.

Also, the mouth and nose are front holes so this makes no sense.

You don’t just take incomprehensible feelings from a fringe minority and declare that words must be changed to appease them. That’s not how science works but what else would they have going for them if they didn’t change definitions? Because it’s not like they have reality on their side.

If the left is so distraught that they can’t even bear to hear the word “cervix,” that’s their problem and goes way past the phrase, “first world issue.” This is literally creating an issue out of a nonissue and now the term cervix got political for NO REASON.

Anyway, unclear what other hole or body part will be renamed in the fight for exclusivity, but never underestimate the insanity of these people.

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