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It’s always amusing to me to see a normie, or someone who used to be a normie, discover for themselves what Big Tech is, who they’re in bed with, and how easily they will censor/deplatform/”content moderate” any opinion they disagree with. I know that you know that I know that you know how bad it is. Dr. Phil was surprised when TikTok blocked a promo for his Donald Trump interview.

AKA an interview with a public figure who is the former president, running for reelection, and you may have noticed has been in the news lately.

Dr. Phil has been fascinating to watch. This is a guy we only know because he was Oprah’s doctor, and was believed to be on the left. Then the pandemic happened. He put the shrill harpies from The View in their place. Next thing you know, he is all about calling out Biden’s DOJ lawfare and genital mutilation of minors.

Interviewing Trump may have been a bridge too far. Even on TikTok, where after only being a TikToker for twenty-four hours, Trump becaming six times more popular than Joe Biden. That may be why the Communist China-owned app rejected a promo for the interview. In fairness to Communist China, it was most likely a Communist California-employed moderator who made the decision.

Dr. Phil swears that neither he nor Donald Trump talked about stomping baby kittens to death.

“It’s not like I’m an unknown person to them,” the good doctor told his audience. “But they wouldn’t put it up because it had Trump in it. They didn’t even know if it was pro- or con-. It had Trump in it, so they wouldn’t put it up. That’s concerning for me.”

Dr. Phil continued, “We put it on there because we wanted to get young people [to see] ‘Hey, watch this and find out who this really is.'”

Ten bucks say that is the EXACT reason why TikTok wouldn’t put it up.

The full interview is available on X-Twitter.

While neither you nor I am shocked TikTok would do such a thing, Dr. Phil is. More importantly, his moderate, apolitical audience will be. All it takes is one incident (Big Tech censorship, pro-Hamas protests, someone’s son pretending to be a girl and stealing opportunities from someone’s daughter who really is a girl, etc) to expose the left for who they are. Start pulling on the string and it all comes down.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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