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The rainbow mob gets more insane by the day and now we have a woman who is claiming that trans people have a different concept of time because of course, they do. Subsequently, queer people achieve milestones differently than straight people, even though everyone achieves things at all sorts of ages but whatever.

This concept is supposedly called “queer temporality,” and she claims this is a thing because their “lives started much later” than straight people, which they didn’t because they were born when they were born but I digress.

She also claims their “experience of time is compressed” when compared to their “cis counterparts.” And for the record, cis is a made-up slur that trans people use to label the majority of the population because we don’t need a word for something that is inherently natural and normal.

Then she claims that because things like marriage have not been “accessible” to them since marriage has been a thing, that explains why their concept of time is different. This also makes no sense because marriage has nothing to do with time and people get married at all different ages, AND not all straight people get married. Thus, the logic is not valid.

Just think about what she is saying. It’s equivalent to claiming that because gay couples have not always been given the “right” to things like adoption, even though they can today, they are late to things. However, the status quo also makes it even harder for straight, single men to adopt but we don’t have them complaining about time. So again, the logic is not validating.

At this point, these people are just making things up for attention, which only proves how narcissistic they are.

She can make up all the words she wants, but it still won’t excuse why she is late to things or why her “milestones” occur when they do. Literally, the easiest thing in life is to be on time, and they can’t even do that. Pathetic.

Trans LUNATIC Claims Jesus Was Non-Binary! | Louder with Crowder|www.youtube.com