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The left likes to pretend that pride parades are “family-friendly” events, even though that’s not even the least bit true. However, the Mayor of West Hollywood has stated that his favorite part of the parade is “seeing all the kids.”

West Hollywood was the “first majority-gay municipality in the country,” and that might be true to this day. However, since then, many cities across America have been fighting to out-gay WeHo and as of writing this, it’s unclear who holds that title.

Although the city claimed this was a “family-friendly event” the evidence proves otherwise.

Exhibit A:

Why is it so controversial to claim that children shouldn’t be around that? The event is nothing more than a parade filled with kinks and nudity and it’s deranged and wrong to expose kids to that. However, the city seems to think otherwise, as having minors exposed to all that is actually the mayor’s favorite part.

Exhibit B:

But the city also thinks drag queen story hour is appropriate so I digress on that one.

Honorable mention goes to the FBI, who also made an appearance, as they pathetically waved their flags proving that they are “too gay to function.”

According to The Post Millenial:

During the West Hollywood Pride parade on Sunday, Mayor John Erickson sat down with KTLA to discuss the event. When asked by the hosts about his favorite part, he said it was “seeing all the kids” in the audience.

The parade featured a number of floats supported by local businesses, most of which featured nearly naked men and women engaged in performances that were overtly sexual. Nonetheless, Erickson maintained that it was ok because the kids were “having so much fun.”

Kids are obviously going to have fun when they see people dancing in rainbow and glitter. They don’t understand the insanity of all that.

“I loved going out there and seeing all the kids just living and being there with their parents of all shapes and sizes and just seeing them having so much fun,” Erickson said, “giving them fans and throwing them candy and everything like that.”

Back in my day, adults used to tell kids not to accept candy from strange people. But it appears that that is no longer the status quo.

He added that “in a world like today, to have this right now front and center, we need it now more than ever.”

No one “needs” a pride parade. You can teach kids to respect people without exposing them to nearly naked men dancing provocatively on a float. And why do they even do that? Why are they so prideful in their sexual preferences and why do they think it’s appropriate to have kids “affirm” that behavior? There is no parade dedicated to straight people and their prideful preferences, so why is this such a widely accepted thing?

It’s unclear how the mayor can attend such an event and celebrate that he assisted in exposing kids to all that degeneracy. But he did, as it was just another Sunday to him.

That said, August is Transgender History Month because one month is not enough for these people. But at least we get July off.

Texas Church Goes Full Gay: Queer Drag Queens Take Over!www.youtube.com