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College students across America are taking over campuses, demanding divestment from Israel and a “free Palestine”. Mug Club looked into whether this was just another organic movement or if it was being funded by something darker. Here’s what we found out.

“It’s a fake revolution that’s been organized from the top down, tied together by dark money, connecting not only shady activists, but multinational NGOs, state actors, and actual terrorists,” Crowder said.

The arrest of over 100 protestors at Hamilton Hall marked the beginning of an anti-American/anti-Israel movement that has swept across the country.

Protestors claim that this is a natural grassroots organization that is just extorting administrators, but that’s not even close to being true.

“These protesters are not pro-Palestine, they are pro-Hamas. They have to be because they are funded by them,” Crowder said.

And when they claim “divest” they also mean companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and Airbnb.

“You don’t see these same students scream for divestment from China’s gross abuses of human rights,” Crowder said. “Why do these students suddenly and exclusively care so much about this specific cause?”

The facilitator is the group “Students For Justice In Palestine”.

According to the American Jewish Committee:

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is an anti-Zionist student organization in America that has been responsible for numerous recent anti-Israel protests on college campuses across the country. The organization and its campus chapters have led the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign at many universities, urging schools to divest from and eliminate financial and programmatic relationships with Israeli corporations and entities.

The organization is funded by American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), which is a group that is linked to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, as they work in tandem with the Americans for Justice in Palestine Educational Foundation (AJP).

Hatem Bazian, who founded AMP and SJP and is a professor at UC Berkeley, was named “The Most Dangerous Professor in America” in 2017, by the anti-Semitism watchdog Canary Mission.

According to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, there is “significant overlap between AMP and people who worked for or on behalf of organizations that were designated, dissolved, or held civilly liable by federal authorities for supporting Hamas.”

Six members of AMP’s core leadership were on the board of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IMP), which is alleged to be “the same institution as IAP, fulfilling the same functions with the same goals, merely operating under a different name to avoid IAP’s legal liabilities.”

“They were board members or were active. And the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) were both proven verifiably to finance years of Hamas and is essentially a successor group to these three now-defunct groups shut down by the government, specifically for being Hamas sponsors,” Crowder said. “However, NGOs are not the only backers of this radical anti-American so-called Revolution. More disturbingly, so are foreign governments, namely ones known for their active support of terrorism.”

According to Air Mail, “between 2014 and 2019, Qatar gave $2.7 billion to American colleges and universities, far more than China’s $1.1 billion and Saudi Arabia’s $1.06 billion.”

“Research shows a direct correlation between the presence of Qatari funding and the presence of SJP as it relates to being on campus,” Crowder added. “What we are seeing is a movement controlled and designed from the top down, by massive multi-million dollar organizations and entities with a vested interest in exploiting Young Americans who don’t know any better. Moreover, foreign governments with a vested interest in continued global terrorism, donating financing to the tune of billions of dollars for the infrastructure on American campuses across this country.”