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On May 4, 2020, National Geographic published an interview with Anthony Fauci titled “Fauci: No scientific evidence the coronavirus was made in a Chinese lab.”

In that interview, he claimed, “Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species.” Subsequently, any claim that the Panny D started because of a lab leak was labeled a dangerous conspiracy theory.

Before that interview, it was accessible knowledge that the NIH funded gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan. And because the evidence supporting the lab leak theory is/was so compelling, the “experts” couldn’t keep their propaganda up longer than what was politically necessary.

Thus, it turns out that Fauci and the media were the ones actually pushing conspiracy theories by claiming that “the coronavirus most likely jumped from a caged wild animal into people at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market.”

But this wasn’t his first rodeo, as he got more than enough practice during the Aids crisis. And just like any “expert,” aka politician, Fauci knows how to dance around words and be as vague as possible while the media runs with his ambiguous non-explanations.

So when Fauci claimed on Monday he has “kept an open mind throughout the entire process” and that he never downplayed the lab leak theory, we know that’s not even the least bit true. But the craziest thing about this clown is that he can claim all that with a straight face.

If he was so “open-minded” why did the NIH fund the “Proximal Origin” paper that tried very, very hard to disprove the lab-leak theory?

How many people would be alive today if Fauci hadn’t pushed unscientific, arbitrary conspiracy theories? And why did it seem as if the more the public acquiesced to Fauci’s recommendations, the more COVID deaths we saw?

It’s also extremely rich of him to demand we “look at the facts” when he did none of that in promoting his arbitrary COVID recommendations. And facts don’t need Fauci to have an open mind because they are facts so he makes no sense, YET AGAIN.

When asked about forcing kids to mask up, Fauci also admitted on Monday that there was no evidence to support that either and then tried to cast all the blame on the CDC as if they both didn’t advocate for the exact same policies.

Although Fauci also claimed that he is “a scientist who uses the scientific method to gain information,” he really means he’s a bureaucratic political scientist who uses his credentials to gaslight the public. Because if you “look at the facts,” that’s what he has built his entire career on.

Fauci may be so incompetent that he promoted abysmal policies solely based on his blatant ignorance. However, for reasons unknown as of writing this, he could have also promoted those policies knowing it was pseudoscientific, at best. Whether the answer is the former or the latter is up to you to decide.

New Emails EXPOSE Fauci’s Gain of Function Research! | Louder With Crowderwww.youtube.com