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Donald Trump was found guilty on Thursday on 17 counts of beating Hillary Clinton in 2016 and 17 counts of running against Joe Biden in 2024. His sentencing? Four days before the GOP convention in July. It is both not surprising yet still maddening. But it’s where we’re at right now. Trump has a press conference scheduled for Friday morning, though he addressed the court decisions briefly last evening.

I wish I had an original thought or reaction, but twelve hours or so later every take that is to be had has already been dropped on X-Twitter. And whatever you are feeling as you’re reading this on the Louder with Crowder Dot Come website, yeah, me too. However, I did manage to see three reactions that best sum up where we’re at right now and what comes next.

The first is that in the hours after the verdict, y’all crashed Trump’s donation page. Don’t worry, it’s back up now! I’m guessing Trump will have a yuge number to announce at Friday’s press conference.

Megyn Kelly points out that this is a before-and-after moment for America, and Democrats are going to rue the day. This is not unlike how Democrats rue Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Comey-Barrett, who resulted from former Democratic Leader Harry Reid blowing up the Senate norms. They found Trump guilty of signing a piece of paper thirty-four times in New York City. Let’s find Biden as an accessory to the murder of every American killed by an illegal migrant here because of Biden’s border crisis. Put him on trial in Texas. We can make up the rest as we go along.

And that doesn’t even get into the Biden crime family drama, Obama’s drone strikes, or Nancy Pelosi’s insider trading. This is the America the Left wanted.

Virginia delegate (and my favorite social media personality) Nick Freitas sums up best where i am. Just swap out Rand Paul for Marco Rubio. I never liked Trump, and still don’t. But… “I will enthusiastically campaign, donate and vote for Trump. Because if nothing else, he represents opposition to YOU. The people who engage in “lawfare,” openly target your political rivals for prosecution while ignoring the real issues facing this country.”

The Left and the media (but I repeat myself) showed us the rules of the game. Time to start playing by them.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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Trump is Hitler… AGAIN!youtu.be