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The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the NRA after they filed a lawsuit, “alleging that a New York official violated the group’s First Amendment rights when she urged banks and insurance companies not to do business with it in the wake of the 2018 shooting at a Florida high school.”

Why does it seem as if New York officials never like to follow this little thing called the “Constitution”?

According to SCOTUSBlog:

In a unanimous decision by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the justices agreed that the NRA had made out a case that Maria Vullo, then the head of New York’s Department of Financial Services, had gone too far in her efforts to get companies and banks to cut ties with the NRA, crossing over the line from efforts to persuade the companies and banks – which would be permitted – to attempts to coerce them, which are not.

Government officials take an oath to protect the Constitution, which would mean they are required to only have people enforce the Constitution. We have a right to bear arms. And even if a government official disagrees with that, they are still legally obligated to defend that right, as they have no authority to do anything but that. But it has never been more clear that the left believes it’s above the law. And thus, SCOTUS had to step in.

What’s even more annoying is that the state stood by the actions of the department head even though she blatantly trashed our founding principles.

And what does the NRA have to do with a shooting in Florida? These people are so painfully stupid that it’s infuriating.

In what way did New York think the court would rule? That the government has a right to interfere with companies they don’t like, especially ones dedicated to the Second Amendment? Get real. These people don’t even care that what they do is blatantly illegal, they literally do anything they want.

In 2018, a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., caused the death of 17 students and staff. That prompted Vullo to issue a press statement and “guidance” letters in which she called on insurance companies and banks to consider the risks to their reputations from doing business with groups, like the NRA, that promote guns.

After some insurance companies and banks severed their relationships with the NRA, the NRA went to federal court, where it argued that Vullo violated the group’s right to freedom of speech by coercing the companies and banks to stop doing business with the NRA.

It’s not the government’s job to worry about the reputation of financial institutions. Democrats will try and justify anything they do by claiming it’s for your own good as if they know better. They have one job and one job only, which is to protect our freedoms. And they miserably failed at that, so much so it’s as if that’s what they want to do.

Are all government employees just political activists at this point? Or is that just in New York? Because this government official managed to trash both the First and Second Amendments in one email like it was just another Tuesday to her.

This is not the first Second Amendment case New York has faced and it likely will not be the last.

I Took 2 Babes to Buy Guns! | Louder With Crowderwww.youtube.com