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A student gave a graduation speech and was told beforehand that he was not allowed to discuss his faith. But he did anyway, as that was the right thing to do in that situation. Subsequently, the school is reportedly withholding his diploma because he didn’t acquiesce to their Communististic demands.

Libs of TikTok posted two videos of a high school graduate of Campbell County Public Schools in Kentucky. In his graduation speech, he stated that Jesus is “the way and the truth and the life.” In a video posted after graduation, he claimed that he disobeyed school policy because he “serves a higher power.”

The story should end there but it doesn’t because school officials are on a power trip.

He even takes the approach that people shouldn’t give the school a hard time because of their policy decisions, but only speak out if it’s in defense of the Gospel.

He’s definitely more mature than most 18-year-olds who just graduated high school.

I am unsure where the line is drawn in what restrictions the school may or may not be allowed to give in a graduation speech. But even if this was permissible and they are withholding his diploma because their egos are hurt, that’s extremely childish behavior.

There was nothing that he said that was the least bit controversial. And we can almost be certain that they wouldn’t even think twice had he talked about Islam or if he promoted LGBT debauchery. But since what he said was politically incorrect, the school administration is upset. Subsequently, he will now have to explain why he did what he did in front of the Board of Education.

The worst part about all of this is that the school is basically demanding that he justify his faith to them as if he did something wrong. Since when did schools start extorting graduates like that? Just because the school is supposedly not allowed to promote faith doesn’t mean others can’t. Even the pledge of allegiance says “One nation under God.”

His faith is not something the school should be allowed to censor and they should encourage him to speak openly about it, as it’s a big part of how he got to where he is today.

That being said, the kid now has a chance to share his faith with school administrators and the board and that’s a good thing. So hopefully he can get through their stubborn heads and educate the edumacators.

IT’S HAPPENING! They Are BANNING The Bible?!www.youtube.com