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While showing support for President Biden outside Donald Trump’s New York City trial on Tuesday, actor Rober DeNiro got into a heated exchange with MAGA supporters who support former President Trump.

“We’re trying to be gentlemen in this world, the Democrats. You are gangsters,” DeNiro said. “You are gangsters! F–k you!”

“You’re a softy! You’re a nobody!” a Trump supporter shouted. “Your movies suck! You’re trash! You’re trash, you’re trash, you’re done! You’re done after this my guy!”

Watch the clips below [LANGUAGE WARNING]

DeNiro was originally on hand outside the courthouse to “remind supporters what a danger” Trump is.

“I hope this new ad campaign reaches outside the bubble to remind supporters of what a danger he is to our lives. This is not a threat. This is our reality. And that’s why I’ve joined the Biden-Harris campaign, because the only way to preserve our freedoms and hold on to our humanity is to vote for Joe Biden for president,” De Niro said.

Trump senior advisor Jason Miller responded to DeNiro, calling him a “washed-up actor.”

“Joe Biden is losing nationally, he’s losing in every single battleground state. And President Trump’s numbers continue to rise, the best that Biden can do is roll out a washed-up actor. And don’t worry, my remarks will be shorter than ‘The Irishman.’ I won’t make you suffer for three hours, but the best they can do is roll out a washed-up actor,” Miller said.

More over at Fox News: