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Joe Biden is actually working to provide cover for Iran with an upcoming censure vote over their nuclear program. The censure vote is being led by France and Britain but according to new reports, Biden is working against France and Britain by pressuring other countries to abstain from the vote.

Here’s what Mark Levin had to say about this last night:

Joe Biden is selling out our nation’s security to Iran’s nuclear program in order to get elected! This is the worst kind of treachery by ANY president in our history! We used to call this treason! Biden has directly and indirectly funneled hundreds of billions into Iran, his secretary of state has been a special pleader for Iran, Iran has paid no price for unleashing its terrorist surrogates against Israel on October 7th (Biden-Blinken claimed there was no evidence of a connection!) or for its surrogates killing American military personnel, and now BIDEN IS PRESSURING THE UK AND FRANCE NOT TO REBUKE IRAN’S NUCLEAR ADVANCES!

Every voice must be raised against this! Every legal, constitutional, diplomatic, and political step must be taken to stop this! Or we will wake up one day with a nuclearized Iran and the gravest of threats facing our nation’s future! Biden has spent his entire career putting his own power, wealth, and interests above our country and this underscores it!

Here’s more on the news from The Mirror:

Joe Biden is opposing a European plan to rebuke Iran for advances in its nuclear programme as Washington wants to avoid an escalation of tensions ahead of the US presidential election, diplomats involved in discussions have claimed.

The Biden administration is said to be arguing against an effort by Britain and France to censure Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s member state board in early June, they added. While US officials deny lobbying against a resolution, the diplomats say the administration is pressing other countries to abstain in a censure vote, which is what Washington will do.

Western officials have become concerned about Iran’s nuclear activities as according to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) data, the country has enough highly enriched fissile material for three nuclear weapons. While US officials fear Iran could be more volatile as it seeks to elect a new leader after the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash this month, the Biden administration has long said it is seeking a diplomatic solution.

But European diplomats have reportedly become frustrated as they feel like the US is trying to undermine their approach as they seek to take action against Iran, according to The Wall Street Journal. However, this was denied by a US official who said Washington is “tightly coordinated” with its European partners ahead of the IAEA board meeting next month.

The IAEA board last passed a resolution rebuking Iran in November 2022 and since then, US and European officials have warned they would take action if Tehran did not rein in its nuclear advances and step up cooperation with the agency. Tensions have reportedly risen as some European countries, particularly France and Britain, are concerned that Washington lacks a strategy for dealing with Iran’s nuclear advances.

Joe Biden has been catering to Iran since he stepped into the Oval Office. He goes out of his way to keep from upsetting the Ayatollahs as if they are a threatening superpower. They are evil to be sure, but they are no superpower.

And now, once again, Biden leads with weakness instead of strength, giving aid and comfort to the greatest enemy of the US and the world by trying to make this censure vote fail. Like so many things Joe Biden has done, this is also evil and it defies logic.