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Today is the day set aside to remind us of those who gave the greatest sacrifice for our freedom. While I don’t personally know anyone who fell while serving our great country, I know many of you do and you have my greatest sympathies.

For those of you who have a family member or friend who was killed in action, it must be weird to hear the phrase ‘Happy Memorial Day’. I won’t presume to know how you feel, but I would think it must be a somewhat said day for many.

In Christianity, the greatest love someone can give is to lay down their life for loved ones and friends. Unselfishness is our greatest calling and I believe such moves the heart of God deeply. So be consoled that those who have fallen, whether fighting Iran in the Red Sea or dying in Afghanistan, that God looks upon their sacrifice with great love.

Whether defending freedom at home or abroad, many have fallen in all our wars for the last two centuries. While the politics of our land has gotten increasingly toxic and authoritarian, the freedom we enjoy today is still because men of great conscience fought and died to give us this way of life, liberty under God.

These heroes are absolutely worth remembering today. Happy Memorial Day.