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Can anyone name one thing AOC has done for her district? Just one? No? Didn’t think so.

So while AOC could never pull a crowd like Trump does, especially in the Bronx, some voters have a message for her that might give her a slight feel of reality.

For the voters that live in actual reality, rather than Progressive La LA Land, AOC is objectively unlikable.

According to The Daily Mail:

AOC said the event in one of the bluest counties in the country would be a ‘muddy mess’, posted ‘God is good’ when it started to rain and urged the majority black and Hispanic locals not to show up.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul also sparked fury by appearing to call MAGA fans ‘clowns.’

But the message from the hoards who showed up was clear: They were there for Trump and the Democrats should be worried.

While it may have been rainy, the message coming from voters was clear as day.

My favorite was this one: “Come to the Bronx and let her come among us. People that struggle, she doesn’t even know what struggle is.”

No one in the Bronx should care even the slightest bit about AOC, as she has proved she could care less about them.

Democrats are so out of touch, that they truly think the average voter cares if the earth may or may not get one degree warmer. And people like AOC will mandate anything under the book, and tax people into financial ruin at a time when everyone is struggling to make ends meet, all under the guise that she can control the direction of the wind.

And how is Hochul going to call Trump supporters “clowns” with a straight face? Wasn’t it just last week when she claimed Black kids in the Bronx don’t know what a computer is? Democrats are so far up their butts that it’s unfathomable the sort of things they believe.

The left cannot comprehend why so many Bronx residents attended the rally. They are that blind to how fed up people are with their crap. They truly cannot understand that the endless villainization of Trump is only helping him, as they prove they truly have not even the slightest clue what voters want.

Voters told Fox News before the rally that the Democratic Rep. [AOC] should ‘stay out of the Bronx’ and be concerned about the show of support from the thousands decked out in MAGA hats.

Other Trump supporters accused the congresswoman of doing ‘nothing for the Bronx.’

I can’t even think of anything this woman has done for anyone, besides lecturing the masses on things she doesn’t understand. At this point, it seems that all she cares about is clicks as she tries and make herself the least bit relevant.

AOC is one of the most naive people in politics, and that says a lot. She blatantly ignores her district as she focuses on affairs that are of none of her concern. She is the perfect representation of what leftist academia produces, and she is beholden to socialist ideals while she hasn’t the slightest clue what she’s advocating for.

The scariest thing about AOC is that she truly believes she has done far more good for New Yorkers than Trump has. That’s how stupid she is. And never underestimate the destruction pure incompetence may cause.

There are only two things AOC knows how to do. Play the victim and seek attention. So while Trump has promised to make both New York and America great again, she is advocating to destroy all of that.

Trump is Hitler… AGAIN!www.youtube.com