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Progressives will point the finger and blame everyone under the sun for the criminality they condone, except those actually responsible for the crime. And Philadelphia Democrats have found their newest scapegoat: The business community.

A couple of months ago, certain districts in the city were forced to shut down by 11 p.m. as part of a new “business curfew” that is supposedly intended to prevent “bad, late-night behavior.” A new bill will now require additional business from 66th Street to Cheltenham Avenue to close by midnight.

According to Fox News 29:

“This is a very preventative measure, but it’s also about preserving the quality of life,” Philadelphia City Councilmember Anthony Phillips explained to one Ogotnz Avenue business owner.

It comes after Phillips says residents of Mount Airy and West Oak Lane voiced complaints about nuisance behavior.

“We have watched and witnessed business owners allowing loitering to take place, smoking to take place, dumping to take place and they’re not calling 3-1-1, City Council offices and they’re not calling police. Why? Because it’s some of their clientele and some of them are also afraid.”

Correction: They are not reporting the “nuisance” to authorities because the city could care less. And here’s a thought, instead of punishing law-abiding citizens who actually provide a public good, how about holding people accountable for this “bad behavior”?

Officials really don’t get it, do they? The businesses are also suffering because of this. But city leaders would rather victim blame than do ANYTHING to actually help the situation. This is their way of pretending to care.

The bill would impact businesses like Cali and Rodriguez mini markets, which are currently open 24 hours a day.

“Maybe a little more police patrol,” customer John Ricketts said. “That might help.”

Ricketts says he visits Rodriguez Mini Market regularly, and he’s never seen the alleged nuisance activity. He thinks shutting the business down overnight would do the community a disservice.

“I would not bother or disturb this store, because this store really serves a lot of people,” he said. “A lot come here from a lot of different neighborhoods knowing they can come here, it’s open, they can eat.”

Not only is this going to cause a significant loss to the business, so much so that they may become the next establishment to shut down because of Democratic policies, but it disadvantages a lot of law-abiding citizens.

What about nurses, doctors, first responders, and other graveyard shift workers who rely on these 24-hour marts? Why do all those people have to suffer or travel out of their way because of the few bad actors?

It’s not complicated at all. All these people have to do is condemn criminality and prosecute crime. That alone will cut the “bad behavior” to a significant amount. But the left won’t do that as long as they are beholden to “criminal justice,” which has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with being pro-lawlessness.

Democrats even claim there’s no “evidence” that holding people accountable does ANYTHING to combat crime. They are really that stupid. And when you are that mentally incompetent, it should be illegal for them to run for office. Because now we have retarded Democrats in Philadelphia victim-blaming people who provide a public good as they blatantly turn a blind eye to THEIR RUIN.

This is totally deranged and incredibly infuriating that we have literal scum, that is this moronic, running a major city in America. It’s indescribable how insane all that is.

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