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Somewhere along the progressive route to societal collapse, “societal ruin” was added to the list. Thus, out of nowhere, the progressive prosecutor movement was born. Subsequently, criminals were turned into victims and victims were turned into criminals.

The main problem with woke DAs reforming the criminal justice system is that that’s not their job.

But don’t take my word for it.

Judge Judy blasted rouge prosecutors who believe that a blanket and a warm glass of milk will solve the blue city crime problem.

Judy Sheindlin, aka Judge Judy, went off on prosecutors in places like New York, San Francisco, and Portland, who could care less about giving victims justice and more about fueling lawlessness.

According to Fox News:

“Oh I know how we got here,” Sheindlin told Fox News Digital in an exclusive interview. “We got here because a small group of people who have very loud voices created a scenario where bad people got rewarded. And the victim got punished by the system.”

Sheindlin acknowledged there are always reasons for why a criminal becomes a criminal, but argued that those backgrounds don’t justify their actions.

“You know there is always a reason for criminal behavior – didn’t have a good upbringing, didn’t have two parents in the house, didn’t have one parent in the house,” she said. “There’s always a reason. You’re mentally ill. That’s a reason. You took drugs, that’s a reason. You took alcohol, your brain is fried… Whatever it is.”

But, she said, “there is never an excuse for bad behavior.”

Progressive officials seem to disagree and are taking a paternal approach where they baby thugs and make asinine excuses for their deranged behavior.

“And when society started to make excuses for bad behavior, and react to criminality based upon the excuses, it fell apart,” she added.

“When you have district attorneys who are charged, whose job it is to do justice, but to keep the community safe … When you have elected district attorneys who don’t know what their job is, they should go find another job,” she said. “Fill ice cream cones someplace. But don’t ruin cities. And what’s happened around New York City, Portland, San Francisco, you had district attorneys who didn’t know what their job was. And the cities are ruined, people are leaving.”

We are at the point where many prosecutors are using their jobs to fuel their insane activism. Things have gotten so bad that it’s unclear if the movement is out of pure ignorance and stupidity, or something far more sinister. However, both can be true at the same time.

Why would many blue cities get rid of cash bail? Why would the same cities reclassify many felonies as misdemeanors? Why would they let degenerates camp out on the street and inject themselves with hard drugs in front of children? Why would they allow open-air prostitution to run rampant?

Who does any of that benefit? Surly, not law-abiding citizens. It’s undeniable that the priorityof many blue cities is to make the lives of criminals easier, while they slowly defund away law enforcement, and punish you if you even think about defending yourself.

And the worst part is the blatant denial and gaslighting of these people, as they go and redefine crimes and refuse to prosecute thugs, while they lie and claim, “CrImE iS dOwN!!!”

But that’s what the left does best. They change the meaning of words, lie, gaslight the masses, and destroy anything they can get their hands on. So much so one wouldn’t be crazy to assume it was by design.

The point is, most progressive officials are so retarded that they couldn’t even fill an ice cream cone, and that is a horrifying realization.

Why NYC Arresting Subway Vigilante Means the Downfall of America…www.youtube.com