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During an interview with CNN’s Kaitlin Collins this week, Texas Senator Ted Cruz was asked if he would accept the outcome of the 2024 election; “I think that’s actually a ridiculous question,” Cruz said.

“You ever ask a Democrat that?”

“I know, I know, I’ve been down this road many times,” Collins responded. “You cannot compare the two situations. We have talked about that. We have seen the audio of that, when they protested on the Senate floor, but have you ever had a sitting president who refused to facilitate the peaceful transition of power?”

Collins responded, “Of course,” before Cruz pushed back and asked, “what Democrat?”

“I know, I know, I’ve been down this road many times,” Collins responded. “You cannot compare the two situations. We have talked about that. We have seen the audio of that, when they protested on the Senate floor, but have you ever had a sitting president who refused to facilitate the peaceful transition of power?”

“So you‘re asking will you promise, no matter what, to agree an election is [legitimate], regardless of what happens,” Cruz said. “And that would be an absurd thing to claim, like we have an entire election law system that people challenge elections, elections get overturned, voter fraud gets proven, that happens all the time, and the media engages in this weird game post-Donald Trump that you insist no voter fraud has ever existed.”

“Look, if the Democrats win, I will accept the result, but I’m not going to ignore fraud regardless of the result,” Cruz said.

Watch the clip above.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio was in a similar exchange last week with NBC’s Kristen Welker.

“Will you accept the election results in 2024 no matter what happens?” Welker asked Rubio.

“No matter what happens? No, if it’s an unfair election I think it’s going to be contested on either side,” Rubio responded.

“No matter who wins,” Welker corrected.

“I think you’re asking the wrong person. The Democrats are the ones who have opposed every Republican victory since 2000, every single one,” Rubio replied.

“No Democrat has refused to concede. Hillary Clinton conceded. Senator, will you accept the election results?” Welker pressed.

“Hillary Clinton said the election was stolen from her and that Trump was illegitimate. Kamala Harris agreed,” Rubio stated.

Watch that clip below: