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Question: If you are female, would you prefer a Harrison Butker type as your life partner? Or would you prefer to share your life with a man-bun wearing, scraggly bearded, non-binary person complete with all the leftist jargon and chock-full feelings?

Butker’s comments at the graduation ceremony for Benedictine College, a Catholic institution (where he gave a Catholic message) in Atchison, Kansas, has Democrats in a tizzy, clutching their pearls, getting the vapors, and collapsing onto their fainting couches. And of course, going into full-blown scorched earth mode.

His comments were so egregious that all the usual misquoting, false framing of facts, false analogies, ridiculous assertions, and plain contumely were immediately out in full force. Not only should he be fired from the KC Chiefs and have his career and life ruined, but he should be executed, so despicable is his crime.

Pause and think. Nature made men and women different from each other in a perfect and complementary yin/yang design. Women are natural nurturers, with a capacity to deliver much deeper feelings and empathy, and their maternal instincts are not taught but ingrained. Nesting is a natural tendency, and a woman’s home is her face to the world.

The image is AI’s idea of 1950s-style happy homemaker.

Men are simpler creatures (just ask any wife) and are not known for deep emotions on a regular basis. When societies refocus a man’s reproductive and power drives into beneficial application (usually through culture and religion), their ingrained nature makes them natural providers for their offspring, defenders of their family, yet remain no-nonsense masculine creatures, provided society hasn’t yet ‘whipped’ them into shape.

A man’s natural focus is problem solving, which is why women get frustrated when they bring an issue to their husbands and then he immediately goes into “problem solving mode” to fix it, when all the woman wanted is for him just to listen without much talking to let her know he understands her feelings. (Which makes near zero sense to a man, BTW.)

Think of men as visually horizontal, scanning the horizon for threats and ready to solve problems. They’re ready to step forward to hunt/work to provide food and shelter. Women on the other hand are visually vertical, spiritually looking up, and always on guard to protect and nurture their children within the confines of the shelter and protection provided by the man.

So, would you like to have Harrison as your husband? Would you like to have the life freedom of Harrison’s wife, Isabelle? (I’m not referring to his money). That would mean having a relationship freedom that lets you soar as a woman, a wife, and a mother, while benefiting from the protection and provision by someone who adores you, while you focus all your energy on your huge workload and much higher calling of rearing your children, teaching them, and nurturing them.

In no way do I support Neanderthal Man. Those are ones who disrespect and subjugate women through violence and control and see them as less than their equals. Far from it.

The true idyll is a co-equal relationship in which the husband presents controlled strength over the potential violence he could unleash, while meeting his wife’s needs and giving her both love and security, while the wife meets her husband’s needs, giving him the admiration and respect he needs to be fulfilled. This is how a man and woman should act in the sense of “two becoming one flesh” as Paul states in Ephesians 5:31-32. The sacrifice goes both ways.

Note that nowhere did I say:

  • That women cannot have a career outside the home if that is their life goal.
  • That marriages should always produce offspring.
  • That married couples cannot decide to remain childless and focus on a DINK (dual incomes, no kids) lifestyle.
  • That sometimes circumstances are outside of your control, such as early death of a spouse, or divorce.
  • That your alternate lifestyle choices may preclude it.
  • That some people may decide on purpose to remain single.

Those and other ideas are personal choices. At the same time, those like Butker who advocate for the role of women as mothers are offering a choice that is just as valid. But for some reason, our societal corruption attacks it.

Since the 1970s, Gloria Steinem days—as still seen in today’s COSMO (which is truly unreadable dreck)—the “women’s movement” of sexual liberation (Marxism designed to collapse the family structure) and the alleged emancipation of women have done women great harm by telling them they can be all things. That is wrong. While they can do anything, they can’t do everything.

The feminist movement put tremendous pressure on women and, in many ways, has stolen their joy by convincing them of a lie. Raising kids is a full-time job when done right, as is a corporate ladder-climbing career. You must decide your path.

Even if you disagree, I’m willing to bet that nearly all marriage-focused women, liberal or conservative, want the man they marry to be masculine, monogamous, to oversee things outside the home, and not be that milquetoast weakling complete with “feelings” (think Michael Gross in Family Ties) , basically the second woman in the marriage. While also letting her know that he respects and loves her. If women, in general, do not want that, then I guess that Steinem was correct – women don’t need men. What a sad way to live.

America needs to find its supply of testosterone. We need to stop the emasculation of our young boys by our K-12 educational system. Male weakness, especially over the past 30 years, is a key reason for the cultural dysfunction that is killing the family, religion, and eventually the American experiment, and has opened the door that lets in the evils of perversity fall onto children as young as 4 years old.

Men need to ignore the jibber-jabber and step out in strength to do what men are best at. Solving problems, providing for and defending their families against evil influence, and making it possible for their wives to focus on the most important human purpose – the nurture of children.

Harrison is correct, and the flak he’s getting from the usual suspects proves that point – he’s over the target. The calm manhood he demonstrated in that speech overshadows the sorry state of affairs his detractors have created for women.

Leftism corrupts everything it touches, and we must stand up to it. Can we at least start with this example?

Lewis Dovland is a passionate observer of America’s future direction with a focus on exposing the “Big Picture” end goals of the progressive Marxist movement and how we can prevail. Email at Lewis.Dovland@gmail.com.