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The despicable, bogus, and anti-Israel International Criminal Court just issued arrest warrants for Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. They claim their ‘charges’ are war crimes & crimes against humanity. Of course they have no jurisdiction, so this is really symbolic.

In order to appear fair, the phony prosecutor also issued arrest warrants for the head of Hamas in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar and a couple of his cronies.

What’s so absurd and immoral about these warrants is the blatant comparison with bloodthirsty and barbaric Hamas terrorists.

War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz responded by saying:

“The State of Israel is waging one of the just wars fought in modern history following a reprehensible massacre perpetrated by terrorist Hamas on the 7th of October.

“While Israel fights with one of the strictest moral codes in history, while complying with international law and boasting a robust independent judiciary – drawing parallels between the leaders of a democratic country determined to defend itself from despicable terror to leaders of a blood-thirsty terror organisation is a deep distortion of justice and blatant moral bankruptcy.

“The prosecutor’s position to apply for arrest warrants is in itself a crime of historic proportion to be remembered for generations.”

Naftali Bennett, former PM of Israel, responded this way:

The prosecutor’s request is a moment of shame for the ICC and the world community. It also provides a huge boost to global Jihadi terror.

An ICC that compares the executor of a deliberate murderous attack that included raping women and burning babies,
with those who are defending themselves against it, is better off not existing. It’s time for the decent nations to defund the ICC.

The House is preparing legislation to respond to this:

Here’s some other responses to the arrest warrants:

I’m tempted to say “who gives a shit” about the ICC, mainly because no one with half a brain should give a shit about the ICC. But some apparently do, because oh wow the magical morality of ::checks notes:: European bureaucrats.

So let me explain: this is an institution that doesn’t include the US, Russia, India, China, Indonesia, Turkey, among others. It has attempted to investigate American soldiers for doing their jobs in Afghanistan. It’s trash.

Lindsey Graham also responded with a long tweet:

This outrageous decision is truly a slap in the face to the independent judiciary in Israel, which is renowned for their independence. We must not forget as a nation the International Criminal Court threatened to bring action against American forces in Afghanistan – and we are a non-member.

I will be issuing a detailed statement regarding the outrageous actions by the ICC against the State of Israel and I will feverishly work with colleagues on both sides of the aisle in both chambers to levy damning sanctions against the ICC.

However, these are my initial thoughts.

Most importantly, I want the world to know that I, along with my Republican and Democrat colleagues, and members of the Administration engaged the ICC on this issue weeks ago. We were told there would be discussions with Israel before any actions were taken. We stressed that the principle of “complementarity” should be applied in this case. Complementarity requires the ICC to let the nation in question’s legal system move first before any action is taken by the Court.

Prosecutor Khan’s team was supposed to be in Israel today to arrange a meeting for next week with the prosecutor’s office about the allegations. I was told by ICC staff that the investigation would likely take months and not weeks, and that there would be meaningful consultation with the State of Israel.

Instead of the ICC following through with scheduled consultations with Israel, they announced the warrants. I feel that I was lied to and that my colleagues were lied to. Prosecutor Khan is drunk with self-importance and has done a lot of damage to the peace process and to the ability to find a way forward.

Lying prosecutors never bring about just outcomes.