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A woman in Chicago called the police after she came face to face with two strangers who entered her home after she let her dog out just past midnight.

She screamed and called police, but the 911 dispatchers told her they had no one to send to her home. She called back six times and finally one of the dispatchers told her the slow response was due to a lack of police funding.

The woman had to wait four hours before officers arrived at her home.

Here’s more from the New York Post:

A Chicago mom who called 911 during a terrifying break-in was left on her own for hours — with dispatchers telling her to call her local representative to demand more police funding.

Michelle called the emergency hotline six times after coming face-to-face with two masked bandits, only for the strained supervisor to tell her the city’s severe budget cuts had left them with a bare-bones staff.

“A gentleman got on and said sorry to say we have no units to send you … then there was an awkward pause,” Michelle told NBC Chicago Wednesday, declining to share her name or face while her would-be robbers are still on the loose.

“He also recommended I call my alderman and I said why, and he said encourage him to hire more police. The dispatcher also asked me if I would consider defending myself … if I had a weapon or considered getting one.”

According to Michelle, the two strangers walked through her open back door around 12:30 p.m. after she let her dog out.

They were even caught on her security camera “moseying” up to her property after climbing over a 6-foot-tall fence, but quickly sprinting away after finding the homeowner inside the house.

“I screamed: ‘I am calling the police’ and they bolted,” Michelle recalled.

Michelle and a neighbor tried chasing after the men before she followed through on her promise.

A dispatcher promised the frightened mother that help was on the way and directed her to wait outside.

But officers didn’t arrive, Michelle said.

After an hour and a half and six phone calls to 911, she finally demanded answers from a dispatch supervisor, who indicated the slow response was due to the city’s lackluster police department funding.

It would be another two and a half hours before cops finally arrived.

“The officers who did show up cared and were apologetic it took so long to get them there,” Michelle said.

“I don’t think it is the police department’s fault they are overstaffed and overwhelmed.”

The new mayor has been on a defunding police spree and has eliminated some 800 police vacancies according to Illinois Policy. Since 2019, Chicago Police Department has lost 1,447 police officer positions because of this defunding. The officers CPD does have are overworked because of the hours and hours of overtime needed to address the needs of the city. And to make matters worse, the city isn’t saving any money with defunding because of all the overtime they have to pay. Overtime costs exceeded the $100 million budget set in 2023 by nearly three times.