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EXCLUSIVE: Meet the RACIST Texas Professor! | Louder With Crowderwww.youtube.com

Apparently, Black studies are a thing. Unsure how you “study” a skin color, but according to this one professor, romance is a “white cultural institution,” and it’s not possible for her to get any more racist than that.

Question: If a White professor taught something called “White studies” would that be racist? If the answer is yes, then the logic applies to Black studies. So it’s not surprising that a racist course, being taught by a racist professor, is nothing more than a bunch of racism crammed into one semester and I don’t think it’s possible to get a better representation of the college system than that.

According to The College Fix:

“Romance” promotes white supremacy, according to a Black Studies professor who said she has “endured” bad relationships.

University of California Santa Barbara Professor Sabrina Strings addresses this topic in her new book, “The End of Love: Racism, Sexism, and the Death of Romance.”

“I am only one of the millions of Gen X-to-Gen Z women who have endured a seemingly endless array of miserable relationships with men,” she (pictured) writes in her new book, according to the university news story.

If she has “endured a seemingly endless array of miserable relationships with men” then maybe she’s the problem…..

It follows her 2019 book about how “fatphobia” is rooted in racism. Strings is also the “[c]o-founding editor of Race and Yoga journal,” according to her curriculum vitae.

Can she please compile a list of things that aren’t racist? Because a lot of time is being wasted by her declaring what is racist, considering nearly all things are.

“Romance had a beginning,” Strings said, as quoted in the UC Santa Barbara story. “Romance is an old white cultural institution that began in the Middle Ages.”

What a naive stance. She claims because of her awful relationships love is racist. Unclear if she’s too stupid to understand that Black people fall in love, too. And biracial marriages are also a thing.

Being fit and in love are two objectively good things. But misery loves company. And because she is crazy and ruins every relationship she has ever been in, she is trying to kill romance and that is nothing more than a personal problem.

In other words, this woman is a nut.

The worst part about this is that she gets paid to talk like this. Does anyone need further proof that college is a scam? No, you don’t.

Is this professor an objectively dumb person? Yes.

Her teachings are also the exact opposite of what Martin Luther King Jr. said, but he has a quote that’s perfect for her: “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

It is unclear if she is trying to help people by brainwashing her students into believing romance is a bad thing, but as MLK Jr. said, there is nothing more dangerous than “sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

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