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Crowder DEBUNKS AOC’s “Indigenous Peoples” Talking Points | Louder With Crowderwww.youtube.com

Chaos erupted during the House Oversight Committee’s discussion of whether to hold Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress.

AOC defended Rep. Jasmine Crockett after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene hurt her feelings by making fun of her fake caterpillar eyelashes.

You must watch the entire clip. It includes everything from AOC’s reaction to the guys’ attempts to contain the catfight to the finale with Lauren Boebert making the sign of the cross.

Why did Crockett get so upset? Did she think her eyelashes could pass off as natural? And of course, AOC had to get involved. That’s what Democrats do. They don’t say things, they yell and go on rants in hopes of making good clips out of it.

And don’t you love how AOC tried to act all hard?

AOC: “How dare you attack the physical appearance of another person!!!!”

MTG: Are your feelings hurt? AWWWWW.

AOC: Oh! Girl, baby, girl!

Who talks like that? What does she mean when she says “Baby, girl???” AOC was the one acting like a baby.

Don’t you wish that AOC came to defend the border with the same attitude?

MTG: Baby, girl? I don’t think so.

Yeah, I didn’t think so either.

MTG then questioned why she wouldn’t debate her. To which AOC said it was “self-evident.” And to that it was, considering how painfully stupid and naive she is.

AOC really thought she was the voice of reason.

Obviously, Crockett had to try and get the last word.

CROCKETT: I’m just curious. To better understand your ruling, if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody’s bleached blonde, bad-built, butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?

But then Comer’s utter confusion was priceless and probably the best part of the video.

COMER: A what now?

COMER: I have no idea what you just said.


And then Luna made the oldest mistake in the book, and that was telling a woman to “calm down.”

LUNA: Calm down. Calm down.

Oh, no she didn’t.

CROCKETT: No! Don’t tell me to calm down because y’all talk noise and then you can’t take it!

LUNA: You’re outta control.

CROCKETT: Because if I come and talk sh!t about her, y’all gonna have a problem!

Rumor has it that Crockett has yet to calm down.

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