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Tucker Carlson sat down for a long interview with Aaron Rodgers. There was a little of everything discussed: COVID, elections, their favorite conspiracy theories. Plenty for you to enjoy depending on your interests. Me? My interests are petty insults. So I’m going to focus on the bars BBQing Joe Biden.

The conversation turned to Tucker’s “controversial” interview with Putin. Multiple things can be true. Putin is evil. There is nothing wrong with Tucker interviewing Putin as other journalists had interviewed him before. Also, Tucker’s interview with Putin was much more serious than any corporate journalismer’s interview with Zelenskyy, the president of a country where they are postponing elections with the Biden administration’s blessing.

It wasn’t long in their conversation before Biden started to catch some strays.

AARON: I’d love to see Joe Biden give an interview where he can speak on the history of the United States

TUCKER: I’d love to see Biden do an interview where he shows how to operate a microwave

AARON: This guy who can’t even walk over here? And sh*ts his pants every now and then?

It is not the first time Rodgers has fired shots at our tapioca-brained president. The QB is fond of calling Biden “Weekend at Bernie’s,” a reference to an 80s classic where two guys propped up a dead guy for their own benefit, and no one around them knew the guy was dead.

I don’t see it…

Aaron Rodgers, over the course of this year, is going to be fun to watch. And I’m not just talking about his return to weekly appearances on The Pat McAfee show. Rodgers is returning to the New York Jets where he is going to be giving press conferences during the election season to the New York press every Sunday. The odds of them asking about anything football-related are low.

Same with sports reporters, but most of them only use “sports” as their vessel to promote progressive agendas. Rodgers is going to have a field day.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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