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In case you needed another reason not to vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., here it is.

RFK Jr. has just declared that he is in favor of unrestricted abortion, “even if it’s full term.” Because he is so beholden to an ideology, he doesn’t care that he promotes some of the most evil and inhumane policies out there.

According to Catholic News Agency:

“My belief is that we should leave it to the woman, we shouldn’t have government involved,” Kennedy said on an episode of “The Sage Steele Show” aired on Wednesday.

It’s foolish to say that the government shouldn’t be involved in this decision. Firstly, this is a man who believes that the government has the right to take your guns. He thinks that it’s okay for the bureaucracy to destroy your right to self-defense while also advocating that the government should have no business in preventing the killing of babies. The whole purpose of the government is to protect our rights and it’s quite clear that he doesn’t believe in our founding documents.

In case Kennedy forgot, there this little called the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Therefore, he does not even agree with the introduction in one of our founding documents, as he doesn’t believe in the unalienable Right of “Life.” He has made it clear that he does not think babies should have a right to life and he does not believe you have a right to protect your life.

Steele, who is a Catholic, pressed Kennedy further on whether he holds this position for the entirety of pregnancy, saying that “as a Catholic that definitely is a concern with many practicing Catholics.”

Kennedy responded by confirming that he would leave the decision to the pregnant woman “even if it’s full term.”

Even some of the most far-left progressives don’t even have that view. How can anyone condone a full-term abortion? That’s so evil.

“I don’t think it’s ever OK,” Kennedy added.

Except, you literally said it’s okay……

“I think we should do everything in our power to make sure that never happens, everything that we can do. But I think ultimately, nobody sets out to do that and there are always some kind of extenuating circumstances that would make a mother make that kind of choice, a terrible, terrible choice which is, you know, you can’t overstate how bad that is, but ultimately, I think we have to trust the woman.”

What a load of bologna. He said he thinks “we should do everything in our power to make sure that never happens” but also said that he believes “we should leave it to the woman.” So which is it?

What a bunch of gobbledygook. There is no reason to kill a child, let alone a full-term baby. But because the mother is going through something “terrible” that is supposed to give her the right to kill. Since when was going through a tough time a license to kill?

He admitted that he believes “there is a very good argument that the state has an interest in protecting a fully formed fetus,” but went on to say: “I come down to the fact that I don’t trust the state and I think we need to trust the woman.”

LOL. No way am I blanketly trusting anyone who will try and justify killing their offspring. The government must protect life, which is why they prosecute murder. I am skeptical of the government, too, but I still think they should charge and convict murderers.

You will never agree with a candidate 100 percent unless it’s yourself. Kennedy assisted in sounding the alarm to the medical bureaucracy and Big Pharma corruption, especially during the Panny D. But even a broken clock is right twice a day. And when he is beholden to so many ideological stances that are blatantly wrong, like abortion, systemic racism, and climate change, that means many of his policies will be aligned with that dogma and not to protect our rights (obviously).

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