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Many people on the left often point the finger at those on the right and call them conspiracy theorists. But they do that while being the biggest conspiracy theorist among us. We have heard those on the left make claims like “Trump is getting rid of mailboxes” or that” Trump is a Russian asset.” On top of that, they often “cry wolf” about right-wing violence with no evidence to back it up.

Rep. Maxine Waters may be senile, a conspiracy theorist, or both. Nonetheless, she has declared that Trump supporters are literally “up in the hills” training “to attack” if Trump loses the election.

What she is saying would be annoying except the lack of self-awareness is comical at this best.

According to The Post Millennial:

In an interview on Sunday, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said she fears the “right-wing” organizations who she said are “training up in the hills somewhere” in the event that Donald Trump is not elected in 2024.

“I know wanna know about all of those right-wing organizations that he’s connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting, you know, what communities they’re going to attack,” she stated.

I did not think it was possible to be as mentally incompetent as Waters. But never underestimate the stupidity of the left.

Again, she provides absolutely no evidence to back anything that she is saying. And then lies that the DOJ has knowledge of these groups.

Additionally, Waters said she believes that Trump has connections to these various right-wing groups that are training to attack communities.

Waters also called Trump a “pure racist” in the interview when she was reacting to the former president, saying that there is a “definite anti-white feeling in the country.”

How can calling out racism be racist? It’s not, but the left likes to call out alleged racism if it’s politically helpful to them.

And then she started talking about the bloodbath hoax.

When it comes to the left, lies are truth and truth are lies. They don’t even know the difference between a man and a woman. And they are the masters of psychological projection. So given their track record of violence and riots, it would not be surprising if the left went crazy if they lost the election. But Waters is not even going off past events, she is literally making things up out of thin air and it’s extremely embarrassing. But what’s even more humiliating is that naive voters will believe her.

If Waters is going to make up pathetic claims out of thin air she should at least make it the least bit convincing. But she does not care to do that given that the media gives her a platform to help her be that pathetic.

Anyway, instead of worrying about nonexistent groups training in the hills, maybe she should look at her district and do something about the zombie apocalypse. But then she would have to pretend to care and that’s just too much to ask of a Democrat.

Just like Waters tells homeless people, maybe it’s time for her to “Go home.”

Based German Babe Fined Thousands for Calling Out Afghan Migrant R*pe!www.youtube.com