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For years, liberal colleges like the Ivy League and communist Cambridge-based Harvard and MIT have cultivated a far-left enclave of idiotic groupthink. Like a snowball of stupid rolling down Bunker Hill, it rolled over every useful measure of what a good university is supposed to do. MIT required “diversity statements” from prospective faculty, including departments like nuclear science and engineering.

It’s one thing to peddle “racist math” to the editors of Scientific American, but when it goes so far as to require hewing to a form of engineered outcomes in race affecting hiring decisions, you end up with the opposite of “the best of the best.” Oh, you didn’t know about the “White, Patriarchal Past” of “Modern Mathematics?” Bigot!

You know what else is inevitable when top schools decide to pursue ideological purity and devotion to the scam of “anti-racism” like the anti-white stuff peddled by grifter Ibrahim X. Kendi? Let me tell you.

To meet their Brave New World curated perfect student body color chart, the elite colleges ended mandatory testing. Who needs to know the test scores of students when you can have Johannah King-Slutzky (no, really that’s her name), the Columbia grad student who demanded the university feed protesters camping out in protest of The Jews existence.

The school is so proud of her, it removed her web page, which, I have obtained from reliable sources, said this:

My dissertation is on fantasies of limitless energy in the transatlantic Romantic imagination from 1760-1860. My goal is to write a prehistory of metabolic rift, Marx’s term for the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialization under capitalism. I am particularly interested in theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination. Prior to joining Columbia, I worked as a political strategist for leftist and progressive causes and remain active in the higher education labor movement.”

Obviously, this person didn’t take any standardized tests, except the political test of being a hard-core libtard. (I generally refrain from using such crude terms, but geez, she is the poster child for it.) I have not studied “metabolic rift,” which is a reinterpretation of what Marx was noodling in his utopian communist brain. But I do believe that he, within the definition of Romanticism, leaned that way. In any case, who cares? If you aren’t King-Slutzky’s academic advisor, you have no hope of possibly understanding anything she says or writes. This is what a modern liberal education looks like.

So now that the tin-voiced kids who are taking Hamas blood money to call for Jews to return to Poland (the place where Auschwitz is–you know–the ovens) are being lugged out by police in riot gear, to the tut-tutting of administration staff who actually agree with the little brats, those administrators (whose grift knows no bounds: the average salary of a mid-level administrator is $134,785) are looking ahead and seeing their own graves. I mean, what else is someone like King-Slutzky (I can’t help repeating that name, say it ten times) going to do with her life after achieving her Ph.D. in liberal bulls**t?

As this idiocy was unfolding, back in March, the Ivy League schools began restoring the requirement for standardized testing. Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, then Brown: they all followed suit like lemmings. On Drinko de Mayo, MIT announced that it was ending the policy of diversity statements in its hiring practices. Watch all the other liberal cereal-box grad-degree bestowing schools follow suit, because they know that if they continue inbreeding, like the banjo-playing character in the movie “Deliverance,” they’ll end up with exactly what inbreeding produces.

But they still have a problem. All those highly-paid administrators need good jobs at good wages. Now that all McDonalds are going to robotic since California enacted a stupid $20 minimum wage for fast food workers, what will these people do?

All this just proves the old adage: you can’t fix stupid.

Follow Steve on Twitter @stevengberman.

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