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The first target in any protracted military campaign is pretty much always infrastructure.

When the U.S. invaded Iraq with a “shock and awe” strategy, we hit the bridges right away. We did the same thing in Yugoslavia, Vietnam, and Korea. The reason for that is pretty simple: If you shut down transportation, you shut down the country.

The purpose of taking out bridges and airports isn’t to convince anyone that you’re right. It’s not a moral argument. The point is to disable your enemy as quickly as possible and to make them vulnerable to further attack.

After what happened yesterday, it’s clear that the domestic enemies of the United States — the ones we’ve imported and those our universities have indoctrinated — understand the importance of infrastructure very well. In a series of coordinated attacks, Hamas sympathizers stormed bridges and airports all over the country. I’m going to go through several of these attacks, and I’ll start with by far the most significant and longest-lasting interruption. It took place on both the Golden Gate Bridge and Interstate 880 in Oakland. Watch:

So just a month ago, activists shut down the Bay Bridge. As you just heard, they delayed several organ donations. The San Francisco Chronicle reported that at least one person had a medical emergency while he was stuck in traffic. But nothing happened to any of the people responsible for that, they received something like five hours of community service. So yesterday, it happened again, this time on the Golden Gate Bridge and on the interstate.

News reports like this always say “protesters” are shutting down traffic. That’s accurate, but it only tells part of the story. The other part is that the political leaders in these cities are also choosing to shut down traffic by allowing the protesters to do it. It would be exceedingly easy to not only clear these blockades but also dissuade anyone from ever pulling a stunt like this again. All you would have to do is pull them off the road by force and then hit them with every criminal charge even vaguely applicable, including terrorism charges. Throw the whole book at just one of these people, one time, and it will never happen again. Give one of them prison time — real prison time, 15 years of prison time — and the problem is solved. 

Forever. Just like that. 

Instead, the authorities in California are doing the opposite. The last time this took place, they gave these criminals a few hours of community service.. This time they let them shut down one of the longest bridges in the country for five hours before making a single arrest. All told, 38 people were ultimately arrested between the Golden Gate Bridge and the Oakland interstate. They were hit with a variety of charges from false imprisonment to unlawful assembly.

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

None of those charges, it’s important to point out, carry a potential sentence of over a decade in prison. That kind of penalty is reserved for pro-life demonstrators who pray outside of abortion clinics and allegedly block access to the facility. If you do that, you get the predawn SWAT team raid from the DOJ and a very good chance you spend the next 10 years in prison. But if you sit on the highway for five hours and prevent thousands of people from getting where they need to go, then that’s not as big a deal. In fact, false imprisonment is the most serious charge that any of these demonstrators face, and the max you can get for that in California is something like four years. 

Of course, it’s virtually certain they’re not going to serve that time or even go to trial for any of this. They’ll all get community service and do the same thing again a month from now.

And that’s odd, even by the Biden administration’s own logic — because for all we know, there might have been people on these roads who were headed to get abortions. And they were delayed or even blocked from doing so. Will the DOJ look into the number of Californians who had to reschedule their abortions yesterday because their bridge was illegally shut down? Think of how many children might still be alive because of those protesters. Think about how many opportunities to murder babies were squandered. That’s the kind of thing that normally keeps Merrick Garland up at night.

If pro-lifers deserve a decade in prison for mildly inconveniencing people who are trying to access one abortion clinic in Nashville, these people deserve a century. But of course, they’re on the Left, so they can literally do whatever they want, all the time. Logic doesn’t really apply. There will be no DOJ probe into the organizers of this protest. There will be no RICO case against them.

But increasingly, it’s clear that there should be. According to San Francisco’s local news station KRON, a woman named Ellen Caminiti was one of the “organizers” of the Golden Gate protest yesterday. She was apparently off-site, serving as a representative. I looked her up, and it turns out she’s the communications director at a nonprofit called the National Center for Lesbian Rights, or NCLR. So this is an organization that gets tax breaks to advance “lesbian rights,” and at 9:00 a.m. on a Monday, their communications director was organizing a criminal blockade of one of the most important bridges in the country. One of my producers reached out to Ellen Caminiti about this. She said, quote, “NCLR had no role in it, that is just my day-job, which is completely separate from this.” 

What’s confusing about that, again, is that this blockade took place first thing Monday morning. That counts as “during the day.” So it sounds like Ellen Caminiti’s “day job” is shutting down infrastructure in San Francisco in the name of “Palestinian solidarity.” We followed up with NCLR to ask them about this. We wanted to know if they had any reaction whatsoever to their employee assisting in a criminal blockade during the workday. They didn’t respond to that question. All they said is that they had nothing to do with the blockade.

You’d think that, if NCLR disagreed with what their employee did during work hours, they’d fire her immediately. At the very least they’d condemn what she did. Especially given that she did it on behalf of Hamas, a group that would happily toss everyone in the organization off of a rooftop. But no such luck. 

That’s because NCLR, like many so-called Left-wing “public interest nonprofits,” isn’t really working in the public interest at all. It’s a tax shelter that employs unhinged activists who want to destroy this country. They should lose their tax-exempt nonprofit status immediately. Nonprofits aren’t supposed to have anything remotely to do with criminal activity, and it definitely sounds like, at a minimum, they’re tacitly endorsing exactly that. But, of course, there will be no DOJ investigation, at least not under the Biden administration, because the Biden administration wants these kinds of blockades to occur. That’s why they took place all day yesterday, all over the country.

In Seattle, demonstrators blocked access to the airport, forcing travelers to walk to the terminal.

In New York, thugs stormed the Brooklyn Bridge.

In Chicago, they blocked the highway leading to O’Hare airport.

In Dearborn Michigan, a caravan of Hamas sympathizers backed up traffic.

In Fremont California, they attacked a Tesla production facility, apparently because of Elon Musk’s tweets, forcing the plant to declare an emergency and close. 

In all of these cases, except for the situation in Fremont, there wasn’t much of a police response, at least not initially. In Seattle, officers eventually arrested the people blockading the roadway. Julio Rosas reports that on the Brooklyn Bridge, the NYPD made an effort to stop the demonstrators, and succeeded in stopping about half of them. But traffic was still disrupted.

As far as I can tell, the only decisive reaction to these riots took place in Miami, where police hauled away the demonstrators the moment they broke the law. Watch:

Well, look at that. The police just drag them away. It’s not hard. It takes a few minutes, and the whole city is no longer held hostage by a handful of terrorists. Just throw them in jail and make an example of them.

Governor Ron DeSantis’ communications director uploaded the footage you just saw, along with this message: “In Florida, we drag these people out of the road and arrest them.”

That’s obviously the right response, as rare as it may be. And when police don’t do this, immediately, then citizens have every right to do it themselves. Senator Tom Cotton put it this way, “I encourage people who get stuck behind the pro-Hamas mobs blocking traffic: take matters into your own hands to get them out of the way. It’s time to put an end to this nonsense.”

Of course, the problem with what Tom Cotton said is that, if someone does take matters into their own hands, there’s a very good chance they’ll spend the rest of their life in prison. The Biden DOJ will destroy them. They will do nothing to protect innocent people from these terrorists. But the moment someone tries to take action — even if it’s justified — then the feds will hunt them down. It’s almost like that’s what the Biden administration wants to happen at this point.

It appears to be what the NYPD wants. Yesterday, police officers didn’t have much of a reaction when a Hamas sympathizer lit an American flag on fire and shouted “Death to America,” right in front of about five cops. He just walked away. Watch:

Now, if you call yourself “America first” — and a lot of people do now — it goes without saying that you should be stridently opposed to people who shout “death to America,” burn American flags, and go out of their way to cause problems for American citizens. If your “America first” principles somehow find common cause with people who wish death on America and its people, that’s a good indication that you are, at best, very confused. But that confusion needs to end at this point. This is well past the realm of online trolling. There are now coordinated attacks occurring all over the country targeting its infrastructure.

You hear a lot of people say, “Why would these people do this? They’re not going to convince anyone to support their cause by blocking traffic or shutting down the airport!” Well, yeah. That’s because the objective of Hamas sympathizers living in this country isn’t to convince you of anything.

Disrupting infrastructure — as always — is just the first phase in a much larger campaign they have planned. And unless more states follow Florida’s lead and shut this down immediately, then very soon, we’ll find out what the next phase is.