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Solemn Intercession of the Gregorian Sacramentary: A Translation

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“On the most solemn days, the most ancient and sober rituals tend to be preserved” (Baumstark’s first rule for the organic development of liturgy). This rule finds a vivid exemplar in the solemn intercessions on Good Friday, which preserve the ancient Roman tradition of the petition. The purpose of this essay is to provide a translation of the intercessions found in the Gregorian Sacramentary, offering an explanation of their significance and explaining the classical method of Roman petition.

The Roman approach to intercession, notably more elaborate than contemporary Mass practices, commences with the priest’s invocation: ‘Let us pray, dearly beloved, for X,’ thus directing the congregation’s intentions. A sacred silence ensues, succeeded by the deacon’s liturgical bidding to kneel, ‘Flectamus genua,’ and later to rise, ‘Levate.’ The culmination of this ritual is the offering of a collect-like oration to the Almighty Father. This structure is repeated nine times in the Good Friday Liturgy of the Gregorian Sacramentary.

The particular text here translated holds great importance as the articulation of the ancient papal liturgy’s petitionary model. During the seventh century, while the presbyterate celebrated Mass using the “Gelasian Sacramentary,” the Bishop of Rome used the “Gregorian Sacramentary.” A unique aspect of the papal liturgy was the absence of Communion distribution on Good Friday; those desiring to partake of the Eucharist on Good Friday were obliged to visit a stational church. Thus, in the absence of the Eucharist, the solemn intercessions became the quintessence of the papal Good Friday liturgy.

For the Holy Church
Oremus dilectissimi nobis pro ecclesia sancta dei, ut eam deus et dominus noster pacificare et custodire dignetur toto orbe terrarum, subiciens ei principatus et potestates, detque nobis quietam et tranquillam vitam degentibus glorificare deum patrem omnipotentem. Let us pray, dearly beloved, for the holy Church of God, that our God and Lord may deign to give her peace and to guard her throughout the world, subjecting principalities and powers to her, and may  he grant us, leading a tranquil and quiet life, to glorify God the Father almighty.
Oremus. Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui gloriam tuam omnibus in Christo gentibus revelasti, custodi opera misericordiae tua, ut ecclesia toto orbe diffusa stabili fide in confessionem tui nominis persevere. Per dominum nostrum Let us pray. Almighty, eternal God, who have revealed your glory to all nations in Christ, guard the works of your mercy, that your Church spread throughout the world may persevere with steadfast faith in confessing your name. Through our Lord.
For the Pope
Oremus, et pro beatissimo papa nostro ill ut deus et dominus noster qui elegit eum in ordinem episcopatus salvum atque incolumem custodiat ecclesiae suae sanctae ad regendum populum sanctum dei. Let us pray for our most blessed Pope N., that our God and Lord who ellected him into the order of bishops, may keep him safe and unharmed for his holy Church, to govern the holy people of God.
Oremus. Omnipotens sempiternae deus, cuius iudicio universa fundantur, respice propitius ad preces nostras et electum nobis antistitem tua pietate conserva, ut christiana plebs quae tali gubernatur auctore sub tanto pontifice credulitatis suae meritis augeatur. Per dominum. Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, by whose judgment all things are established, look with favor on our prayers and preserve the bishop elected for us by your mercy, that the Christian people who are governed under so great a pontiff may grow by the merits of their faith. Through our Lord.
For all orders and degrees of the faithful
Oremus, et pro omnibus episcopis, presbiteris, diaconibus, subdiaconibus, acolitis, exorcistis, lectoribus, ostiariis, confessoribus, virginibus, viduis, et pro omni populo sancto dei. Let us pray for all bishops, priests, deacons, subdeacons, acolytes, exorcists, readers, doorkeepers, confessors, virgins, widows, and for all the holy people of God.
Oremus. Omnipotens sempiternae deus cuius spiritu totum corpus ecclesiae sanctificatur et regitur, exaudi nos pro universis ordinibus supplicantes ut gratiae tuae munere ab omnibus tibi gradibus fideliter serviatur. Per dominum nostrum. Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, by whose Spirit the whole body of the Church is sanctified and governed, hear our prayers for all classes, that by the gift of your grace, all peoples may serve you faithfully. Through our Lord.
For the Emperor
Oremus et pro christianissimo imperatore nostro ut deus et dominus noster subditas illi faciat omnes barbaras nationes, ad nostram perpetuam pacem. Let us pray for our most Christian Emperor that our God and Lord may make all barbarian nations subject to him, for our perpetual peace.
Oremus. Omnipotens sempiterne deus in cuius manus sunt omnium potestates et omnia iura regnorum, respice ad romanum benignus imperium, ut gentes quae in sua feritate confidunt, potentiae tuae dextera comprimantur. Per dominum. Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, in whose hand are all powers and the rights of kingdoms, look kindly upon the Roman Empire, that those nations that trust in their barbarity may be subdued by the power of your right hand. Through our Lord.
For catechumens
Oremus et pro catechumenis nostris, ut deus et dominus noster adaperiat aures praecordiorum ipsorum, ianuamque misericordiae ut per lavacrum regenerationis accepta remissione omnium peccatorum, et ipsi inveniantur in Christo Iesu Domino nostro. Let us pray for our catechumens, that our God and Lord may open the ears of their hearts and the door of mercy, that, through the washing of regeneration, they may accept the remission of all their sins and may be found in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Oremus. Omnipotens sempiternae deus, qui ecclesiam tuam nova semper prole fecundas, auge fide et intellectum catechumenis nostris, ut renati fonte baptismatis adoptionis tuae filiis aggregentur. Per dominum. Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, who continually endows your Church with new offspring, increase the faith and understanding of our catechumens, that having been reborn in the baptismal font of adoption they may be counted as your children. Through our Lord.
For those in tribulation
Oremus dilectissimi nobis deum patrem omnipotentem, ut cunctis mundum purget erroribus, morbos auferat, famem depellat, aperiat carceres, vincula dissoluat, peregrinantibus reditum, infirmantibus sanitatem, navigantibus portum salutis indulgeat. Let us pray, dearly beloved, to God the Father almighty, that he may pruge the world of all errors, take away diseases, drive out famine, open prisons, break chains, grant a safe return to travelers, health to the sick, and safe harbor to those at sea.
Oremus, Omnipotens sempiterne deus, maestorum consolatio, laborantium fortitudo, perveniant ad te preces de quacumque tribulatione clamantium ut omnes sibi in necessitatibus suis, misericordiam tuam gaudeant adfuisse. Per. Let us pray, Almighty eternal God, consolation of the sorrowful, strength of those who labor, may the prayers of those crying out to you in any tribulation come before you, that they all might find joy in knowing your mercy was with them in their times of need. Through our Lord.
For schismatics and heretics
Oremus, et pro hereticis et schismaticis ut deus ac dominus noster, eruat eos ab erroribus universis et ad sanctam matrem ecclesiam catholicam atque apostolicam revocare dignetur. Let us pray also for the heretics and schismatics that our God and Lord may rescue them from all errors and deign to recall them to the holy mother Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Oremus. Omnipotens sempiterne deus, qui salvas omnes et neminem vis perire, respice ad animas diabolica fraude deceptas, ut omni heretica pravitate deposita errantium corda resipiscant, et ad veritatis tuae redeant unitatem. Per dominum. Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, who save all and wish no one to perish, look upon the souls deceived by the deceit of the devil, that, casting off all heretical wickedness, the hearts of the erring may repent and return to the unity of your truth. Through our Lord.
For the Jewish people
Oremus, et pro perfidis iudaeis ut deus et dominus noster auferat velamen de cordibus eorum, ut et ipsi agnoscant Christum Iesum Dominum nostrum. Let us pray for the faithless Jews, that our God and Lord may remove the veil from their hearts, that they too may acknowledge Jesus Christ our Lord.
Oremus. Omnipotens sempiterne deus, qui etiam iudaicam perfidiam a tua misericordia non repellis, exaudi preces nostras quas pro illius populi obcaecatione deferimus ut, agnita veritatis tuae luce quae Christus est, a suis tenebris eruantur. Per dominum. Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, who do not exclude Jewish unfaithfulness from your mercy, hear our prayers which we offer for the blindness of that people, that, acknowledging the light of your truth, which is Christ, they may be delivered from their darkness. Through our Lord.
For the pagans
Oremus, et pro paganis, ut deus omnipotens auferat iniquitatem a cordibus eorum et, relictis idolis suis, convertantur ad Deum verum et unicum Filium eius Iesum Christum Dominum nostrum, cum quo vivit et regnat cum Spiritu Sancto. Let us pray for the pagans, that Almighty God may remove iniquity from their hearts and, having abandoned their idols, may they be converted to the one true God and His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with the Holy Spirit.

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The featured image is “Good Friday Early Morning in Orduñas” (1903) by Darío de Regoyos, and is in the public domain, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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Jacob Zepp is a graduate student at the Catholic University of America, where he is pursuing an M.A. in Liturgical Studies/Sacramental Theology. He graduated from Wyoming Catholic College, where he wrote his thesis on liturgical history and theology. Jacob has worked for Exodus 90 since 2020.

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