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The 2024 presidential election is being framed by Republicans as Donald Trump potentially saving America, but could he also do the impossible and save Hunter Biden too?

Joe Biden’s son, in a rare public interview with Axios, suggested that he would like to clean up his trainwreck of life, and noted Trump as the inspiration.

Well, not in so many words. But if you really think about what he’s saying here, Hunter wants to stay sober to save democracy … or something.

The younger Biden told Axios that he’d like to stay off of drugs leading up to the election because there are much bigger things at stake.

“Most importantly, you have to believe that you’re worth the work, or you’ll never be able to get sober. But I often do think of the profound consequences of failure here,” Hunter said.

“Maybe it’s the ultimate test for a recovering addict — I don’t know,” Hunter continued. “I have always been in awe of people who have stayed clean and sober through tragedies and obstacles few people ever face. They are my heroes, my inspiration.”

“I have something much bigger than even myself at stake,” he said of the upcoming election. “We are in the middle of a fight for the future of democracy.”

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Hunter Motivated To Stay Sober Because Trump Must Be Stopped

Talk about an unbelievable quote. Hunter doesn’t find inspiration in trying to stay sober in his many years of embarrassing the family name. He doesn’t find inspiration in trying to stay sober for his daughter, whom he had with a stripper.

But he’s found it in Donald John Trump. The man continues to work miracles, not just inspiring conservative America, but now even inspiring Hunter Biden. Where Joe failed, perhaps Trump can improve Hunter as a person.

A person whose drug use has been so rampant it appears to have caused federal prosecutors to mistake lines of sawdust on a table saw with cocaine because that seemed like a more logical assumption.

It would take something truly monumental to keep Hunter clean and sober. This is a man whose laptop yielded a video of him naked and waving around a handgun while playing around with a prostitute.

Other videos showed Hunter filming himself weighing his stash of crack cocaine and fondling himself.

He had pictures on his laptop of himself with prostitutes, sometimes involving pets, and discussed smoking parmesan cheese thinking it was crack cocaine.

And now, Trump might inspire him to stay clean. It would be a truly inspirational story.

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Trump The Inspiration

Obviously, we’re being a bit cheeky here. It’d be nice to see Hunter Biden get clean and sober simply to make his life better, or the lives of people around him better.

But with an extensive history of drug use that spans from his time being discharged from the Navy Reserve after failing a cocaine test right up until the activity on his laptop, there’s always temptation.

“I don’t care whether you’re 10 years sober, two years sober, two months sober or 200 years sober — your brain at some level is always telling you there’s still one answer,” he told Axios.

Some have speculated that cocaine found at the White House last year could have been Hunter’s, though Secret Service magically decided that they’d never find the culprit despite it being the most secure building in the entire world.

Former President Donald Trump attempted to link the cocaine to both Hunter and “probably” President Joe Biden.

Hunter claimed in federal court that he had been sober from alcohol and drugs since June 1, 2019.

If Hunter truly believes democracy is imperiled under President Trump and that he must stay sober to save the nation, we shudder to think how bad the bender is going to be when they announce the presumptive GOP nominee is heading back to the White House on election night.

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Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox… More about Rusty Weiss