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The Biden administration has prepared a draft United Nations Security Council resolution calling for a temporary ceasefire in Israel’s war against Hamas and warning against an Israeli ground incursion into Rafah. One might say that it formalizes the administration’s stab-in-the-back (or the front) approach to America’s great Middle Eastern ally since support for Israel became politically inconvenient to President Biden.

Richard Roth and Tara John report on the draft resolution for CNN here. Benjamin Weinthal reports on it for Fox News here. According to Reuters, the text of the draft resolution states in part that it “determines that under current circumstances a major ground offensive into Rafah would result in further harm to civilians and their further displacement including potentially into neighboring countries.”

Yigal Carmon is the president and co-founder of MEMRI as well as a former colonel in Israel’s intelligence service. Weinthal quotes him: “The Rafah crossing was the major area through which the worst smuggling operation went on for years when it was in the hands of the Egyptian government. If this is not stopped, there will be no end to the war and no end to war, particularly heavy missiles on Tel Aviv and its surroundings. The seizure of Rafah will limit the war significantly.”

Carmon added: “If the U.S. administration has a miraculous way to convince Egypt to fulfill its commitment, then there would be no need for an operation. Unfortunately, the United States does not pressure Egypt even though it has all the capabilities to do that. But what remains is to pressure Israel, but this will not work because what is at stake is missiles on Tel Aviv, and Netanyahu cannot afford to end the war with [a] continued flow of missiles on Tel Aviv.”

Weinthal also quotes FDD‘s Richard Goldberg: “The United States should be vetoing pro-Hamas resolutions, not proposing them. By putting forward a resolution calling for a ceasefire and opposing Israeli military action in Rafah, the White House is effectively pushing for Hamas to survive to massacre another day. This is a complete betrayal of U.S. interests and values.” As I have said a time or two before, this is the kind of thing that gave Brutus a bad name.