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As RedState reported, some of the Democrat echo chambers in the MSM seem to be belatedly catching on to Kamala Harris’ Biden-esque media avoidance strategy, where the only “interviews” she gives are with journalists who won’t ask tough questions and who won’t push back when she tells a whopper. 


There are several reasons for this happening, in my view. First and foremost, as they did with Joe Biden, some in the media are only content to be played like fiddles for so long before they start remembering what their actual jobs are. 

Part of it, too, is likely the fact that the Democrat presidential nominee’s purported “momentum” has stalled in key battleground states, and perhaps they think her getting out there and giving the public more air time will do her campaign good.

READ MORE–>> Unraveling: The Dam Breaks As the NY Times Notices Some Things About Kamala Harris’ MSNBC ‘Interview’

Though the Times was content to point blank call Harris out for only sitting down “with friendly inquisitors who are not inclined to ask terribly thorny questions or press her when her responses are evasive,” other reporters are doing such work in more traditional ways.

As RedState readers will recall, Axios is the news outlet that infamously tried to suggest back in July that Harris was never Biden’s border czar, only to get zapped by reporting they did in 2021 in which they used that exact term to describe her.

But other Axios journos have the Harris campaign’s number in more ways than one, as evidenced by reporter Alex Thompson asking different questions of the campaign pretty much every single day, only to repeatedly be met with silence:


And it’s not just Thompson who is getting the cold shoulder:

There are, I suspect, some pretty obvious but troubling explanations for why even her handlers are increasingly declining to comment when questions are asked: 1) they legitimately don’t know the answer (because Harris herself doesn’t know it), 2) they do have an answer but know it’s subject to change at any given moment, and/or 3) they don’t respect the media and figure they’ll be forgiven for avoiding their probing questions.

Relatedly, Fox News White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich recently pointed to how even when Harris’ staffers do respond to questions, it’s usually with the same canned responses again and again that don’t directly address what they’ve been asked about:

“The other story here is the Harris campaign continues to recycle responses that don’t apply to the question – they’ve done this on a host of inquires over various issues.”


As I wondered at the time, if Kamala Harris is only doing “interviews” with Democrat-friendly media outlets and the handlers/surrogates who she has tasked with speaking on her behalf don’t (or won’t) give straight answers to questions asked of them by the press, then from who are we supposed to get the answers?

The answer? The Kamala Harris presidential candidate from 2019-2020, who laid out her radical, far-left vision very clearly – and who was so poorly received by Democrat voters that she dropped out before the first primary vote was cast. 

In the few interviews she’s done over the last month, she’s wanted to run away from that version – even bizarrely adopting some of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s positions. But the past has a funny way of creeping up on politicos at the most inconvenient times, and the “joyful” Ms. Harris is certainly no exception to that rule.

RELATED –>> ‘Rope-a-Dope’: CNBC Host Drops Much-Needed Reality Check on Kamala Harris Co-Chair Over Media Access